Chapter 41 Unexpected SheWolf

Start from the beginning

"I'm a rightful Alpha, and I don't need your pack to become one, you know that very well, don't you?" I taunted, throwing his own insecurities into the open.

"Then go, why are you here?" he questioned, his arrogance trying to mask the underlying uncertainty.

"I'm here for my mate. She wanted me to become Alpha so this pack won't be without a leader in the future. I can just take her with me and rule with my own pack," I declared, my words laced with determination and an unyielding confidence.

"You can't do that. You have no training whatsoever," he pointed out, attempting to undermine my resolve.

"I can survive," I retorted with a smirk, pride radiating from the chaos I'd orchestrated in the room.

"But Lucifer can't. He's weak as a wolf," he added, a strategic attempt to manipulate the situation.

I clenched my jaw, glaring at him. The power play continued as he glanced around, assessing the aftermath. "What made you hit them? This was inhuman behavior," he questioned, trying to shift the focus.

"Throwing a bucket of ice-cold water to wake me up is humanly in your dictionary, I suppose?" I retorted, sarcasm dripping from my words. He turned to the guilty party who had orchestrated the wake-up call, and the weight of guilt settled on him.

"That doesn't give you the right to take aggressive actions," he reasoned, attempting to put a moral spin on the situation.

"Aggressive actions?" I scoffed, incredulous at his attempt to paint me as the wrongdoer. "I was held down by three men while that dog hit me and insulted me. So, whom are you referring to with aggressive actions?" I challenged, leaving him speechless.

The room echoed with confusion as more voices joined the scene. Octavius and Zachary walked in, but I halted them with a holler. I didn't want their presence, especially Octavius's.

"I need to go for a run," I declared before storming out, leaving the chaos and the bewildered faces behind.

In the woods, my transformation was swift, and as a big black wolf, I howled my frustrations into the night. Lucifer had been itching to take control, but I kept blocking him, asserting my dominance. Finally, after calming down, I relinquished control to him, knowing that the power struggle within me was far from over.

Lucifer Zades P.O.V

"What has he done?" I muttered to myself, frustration simmering beneath the surface. My revelation echoed in my mind, a troubling cascade of doubts and uncertainties. Rule another pack? Weak as a wolf? Incapacitated?

My anger surged as I paced in the woods, my thoughts a tempest of conflicting emotions. I was a renowned werewolf hunter, skilled in techniques to bring down a wolf in mere seconds. Just because I was a wolf now didn't mean I had to abandon my hunter instincts.

Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice the approaching wolf until it collided with me, sending me toppling onto the muddy ground. Rising to my paws, I confronted the maroon wolf, its silver eyes locked onto mine. My own wolf growled, instinctively disliking the intruder.

We circled each other, tension escalating. Suddenly, the wolf changed direction, sprinting toward me. My wolf emerged, taking control, effortlessly dodging the attack and countering with a swift pounce. Pinning the wolf down, my wolf dared it to fight back, canines bared.

As the struggle unfolded, the defeated wolf whimpered and shifted back, revealing a naked girl with purple hair and black eyes. Shocked, I took a step back, blood from the encounter staining my snout and canines.

Uninterested in her nudity, I focused on her face just as my father-in-law, Octavius, and Zachary arrived in wolf forms. The scene unfolded with an air of tension and curiosity. My father-in-law, taking charge, retrieved clothes for the girl, his beta and delta standing guard.

Once covered, he initiated the interrogation with a stern gaze. "What is your purpose here?" he demanded, his authority cutting through the air.

The girl's defiance resonated through the air as she locked eyes with my father-in-law, a feral glare refusing to yield. Despite his intimidating presence, she remained silent, a stoic challenge to his authority.

He advanced, closing the distance, his growl adding an ominous edge to his demand. "Don't test me, rogue. Name and reason?" His voice held a threatening undertone.

Her attention shifted to me, a low growl rumbling from her throat. "Lilith," she hissed through gritted teeth, the defiance in her eyes unwavering.

"Why are you here?" he repeated, the question now a statement, an exasperated tone underscoring his words. Yet, her response shattered the tension, her words cutting through the air with startling honesty.

"To kill him," she declared, her gaze unwavering as she locked eyes with me.

The revelation hung in the air, a shocking admission that sent a shiver down my spine. The atmosphere crackled with newfound intensity, the unfolding drama taking an unexpected turn. The girl named Lilith had unveiled her purpose, and the gravity of her words reverberated through the woods, leaving an unsettling anticipation in their wake.




- Valentine Winters

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