Chapter 5: You're pretty too

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I climbed the ladder quickly a damp cloth clutched in one hand. Jasper's moans of pain put me on edge so I have been jumpy all day. The only person in the camp who seems completely unaffected by the constant cries of pain is Aleksy and for that I am jealous of him. Its also a good thing because even though Bellamy offers every time he see's me, I can watch him myself. He's currently in the room with Monty, Finn, Clarke, Wells, and the dying Jasper. Well not dying yet but he will be soon if we cant do anything. "My mother would know what to do." Clarke wasn't wrong. I took my last step off the ladder as Well made his way to crouch beside Wells. "How's he doing?" He asked and I sighed. She's going to snap at him. He's been nothing but kind to her but she's going to snap at him. I know she thinks he killed her father but, I think he's covering for someone. "How do you think he's doing?" Clarke snapped and I rubbed my face. "I'm just trying to help." He stated calmly. I leaned over Clarkes shoulder as Jasper made a particularly loud protest to her cleaning of his wounds. "You wanna help?" I asked, taking a seat on the other side of Jasper. "Finn can you take Aleksy down to Bellamy real quick?" I asked and he nodded picking up Aleksy from where he was playing with a fabric bunny that Finn made him.

"Monty, I need you and Wells to hold him down." I commanded and they both came over to brace Jasper to the drop ship. "Clarke heat the blade." I instructed. She's already doing it. She knows this stuff she's a good doctor she just doubts her skills too much. She tried to hand me the knife but, I shook my head. "Your hands are steadier than mine." I stated. I traced a pattern on his skin and she understood. She began cutting around the infected area on his wound. He let a scream and I yelled for everyone to hold him still as I pressed on one side of him. His eyes started fluttering and then rolled back in his head. I reached forward and checked his pulse. It was fast. Faster than it should be but that's just due to the pain. "You're killing him!" I looked up to see Octavia jogging over to us. Finn had just returned himself and now he's taking my place at holding down Jasper. "She's trying to save him." Finn argued and I stood up to walk over to Bellamy as he had one arm wrapped around Aleksy keeping his face to Bellamy's muscular shoulder.

"She can't." Bellamy argued looking down at me as I held my arms out for Aleksy. He shook his head and I furrowed my eyebrows. What does he mean 'no'? That's my son! Bellamy turned a little and I could see that Aleksy was actually asleep. Oh. "Back off." I looked up to see the muscular and even slightly taller Wells looking down on Bellamy. "We didn't drag him for miles in the woods just to let him die." That was Clarke arguing this time. I stayed quiet trying to let them handle this. I don't want to be on either groups bad side. "The kid's a goner. If you can't see that you're deluded. He's making people crazy. " I bit my tongue to fight back an argument. "I'm sorry that Jasper is an inconvenience to you but, this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters!" Clarke stated firmly still not turning to face us. I glared a little at Bellamy and when he saw it he softened slightly. "Just take a look at him. He's a lost cause." It was silent. From where I was standing I could see everyone's broken faces as they looked down at Jasper.

"Octavia, I spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope." Clarke stated and I nodded firmly at her. "This isn't about hope. This is about guts." I looked back up at Bellamy. "You don't have the guts to make he hard decisions, I do. He's been like this for three days. If he isn't better by tomorrow I'll kill him myself." I looked up at Bellamy. He's being kind. He's trying to do what he thinks is right. The others may not see it but, I do. The people here are hard to lead and not afraid to pressure their leaders. He's taking a risk right now by not listening to his boys and killing Jasper. He doesn't act like it but, he doesn't want Jasper to die just as much as we don't. He walked to the ladder and called out for Octavia. "I'm staying here." She said and he looked at me. I gestured to the ladder and he nodded. I sent Monty a sad smile before following Bellamy down. I got a few hours of sleep after that on Bellamy's orders. He was right to say that I haven't been sleeping much sense the night we slept together in his bed. I was right to argue back and say he hadn't either. However, I lost the argument and turned in for a few hours of sleep before joining Clarke the next morning as she picked at the salve that had been put on Jaspers wound by the grounders.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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