"No! We haven't had sex ok!? It's not like that. I asked you for help to get her out of that place not so she could be my personal hooker!" I snap back at him. "She's 16 Michael and your.."

"I know all that and I swear to you we haven't been having sex"

"But something has happened?" He raises and eyebrow. "Why else would you have gotten so nervous when I mentioned your mother came over last night? We're you worried she'd seen something else?" He's says skeptically.

"No. We were watching a movie and fell asleep. That's it" I shrug "Michael, I know when your lying. Now you better tell me right now?" He frowns and I don't say anything for a moment then sigh, taking a deep breath "We've made out a few times but..."

"Are you trying to get yourself locked up!?"

"But nothing else I swear"

"And that makes it ok!? She's 16 years old!" He snaps. "It's not illegal to kiss" I shrug. "No, but I'm pretty sure shoving your tongue in her mouth and grinding your dick against her is! You promised me things were gonna be innocent between the two of you. If I'd of known you were gonna do this shit I would have gotten the girl put in a home and..."

"No! Please? You can't do that" I plead with him. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't" he frowns and I don't say anything. "I'm waiting" he shrugs getting inpatient. "Because I love her" I mumble an his expression softens slightly. "Michael, she's 16 you can't have her. Not like that" he says softly "I know that and we talked about it and we're gonna wait for each other and..."

"So you are together?" He cuts me off "kind of.. but we haven't done anything I swear" I tell him honestly and he doesn't say anything for a moment.

"If you two wanna be together when she's 18 that's fine, but whatever's going on right now has to stop. Do you understand?" He says sternly and I don't answer him.

"I've gotten you and your brothers out of trouble time and time again and.."

"And I'm greatful for that and.."

"And I'm not doing it anymore!" he snaps cutting me off. "Because every time I do you and your brothers always seem to find another way to get yourselves into more shit! Because your all spoilt little brats!"

"I know we was wrong for going to a brothel and we've apologized time and time again for taking money from the company to pay for it, but if you think about it, if I hadn't Leanne would still be in that place and..."

"That doesn't make it ok!" He snaps at me. "Maybe that time something good came out of it. But what about the time I had to send you to rehab because you were fucked up on cocaine and painkillers and what ever other shit you were taking and..."

"I wasn't the only one doing that and I was depressed and..."

"And Billie Jean and her family? I had to pay for that girls abortion and pay her and her family to keep their mouths shut about it so you could finish school an go off to college and be successful..."

"I was 14! And there was no proof that was my kid. That slut was fucking half the school and..."

"Would you have rather she had the kid and waited for a DNA test?

"Of course not! But..."

"But nothing! I work my ass off so I can give my family the life I never had and to make sure that when I'm gone you'll all be financially stable, but it's like you and your brother's are hell bent on fucking everything up and you especially!"

"Me!?" I widen my eyes "yes! You! Every time you fuck up it cost me money. Whether it be drugs, pregnant girls, God know how many DUIs, divorce pay outs. I even sent you to rehab and got you therapy to help you and even then you cost me a million dollars and.."

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