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If you want a cover, please provide here all the information in one comment.


1. You have to use the cover within the first week after receiving it.

2. If your request has been accepted, you will receive a comment from me when you will be able to see the cover.

So , what information I need when you are requesting a cover.(I can reject a request)

1. Title 

2. Author

3. Cast ( if any)

4. Quotes(If any)

5. A short summary of your story's plot.

6. Places 

7. Colors

8. Mood

PAYMENT: All you have to do is credit me. 


FOLLOWING&DEDICATION: If you want to do that, I won't complain. But I don't want you to follow me just because I did a cover for you. Only if you want to.

REMEMBER I will not do covers 24/7. So, if it takes longer than I said in the comment, I'll let you know. Thank you:)))

Book CoversWhere stories live. Discover now