Chapter 1- The Female Delinquent

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A/n: Hi guys! Thanks for your feedbacks! (-/\-) I hope you do like this new story of mine! :DD 

♥       ♦       ♣        ♠      ♥       ♦       ♣        ♠

I kept on running and running so that I can reach the roof top quickly.

I looked at my phone and it's already 3:30 pm! 

Shoot! It will be so embarassing for him to wait! 

I was the one to invite him and I will be the one who's going to be late? sheesh! I'm really the worst.

I know, I know you're all curious right? here, I'll tell you..

Well, I'm a girl of course as a girl, I do have someone I really like.

And just like what every girl does, I'm going to confess to senpai today.

I wish, after this, everything will fall in to places and of course I do wish he would respond to my confession.

I arrived at the door panting and catching my breath.

This is it. I'm really going to confess to him.

I opened the door and I saw him resting his arms on the railings while his chin resting on top of his arm.

He must be that bored of waiting huh?

I approached him and before I was going to say anything, he quickly said, "you're late."

I startled a bit and cleared my throat.

"Uhmm, gomenasai senpai."

He just sighed and  "What is it that you want to talk about Hiroomi?" he asked while he adjusted his glasses.

My eyes widen and I told to myself that this is it. This is the time to convey my feelings properly.

I took out a deep sigh as a sign of courage and  I looked at him directly.

"I like you senpai!"

I lowered my head and continued, "I really like you a lot, not just because you're smart but because I really admire your determination. I've always been watching you at the library while you study. I really like that side of you and especially when you stand up for others as well."

That's it! I have finally said it!

I looked at him again and his reaction didn't change, he still wears his cold stare and his serious aura.

"Are you a stalker or something?" he asked directly.

I scratched the back of my head and replied, "uhhm, I don't know actually but you see, I'm a member of the library so I always saw you there."

"I see." Then for a while, silences envades the place while warm wind was dancing along with the mute waves.

"Why do you like me? there are other guys out there just like me but uhmm, how do I say this, there are guys who study way better than me and not to mention, they're are more handsome than me."

I gave a smile and replied,"Well, it's because to be honest, I like you because you're simple just like in the manga/s I  read. I know, I compare you to the manga but still-"

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