She crossed her arms, looking at him deadpan as she caught him staring at her. "Hey pervert, I know you're having a good time staring at my ass, but please don't make yourself look stupid when I catch your perverted eyes." She said in a stern voice.

He raised his hands to his surrender. "Okay, you got me." Those hands then buried underneath his head. "But I turn myself in only because I like what I'm seeing." He wiggled his eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes, but it didn't took her that long to figure out what he meant. She looked down, and gasped in disbelief as she slowly loosened her arms and covered her chest instead.

"Say anything pervert again and I'm not going to share the same bed with you for one good week." She threw his already damped towel at him and went for the closet to get change.

Leaving the bedroom and her perverted husband behind, she stopped by at the twin's room. She smiled upon seeing her seven months old of her twin babies crawling and playing with their own toes in the crib.

"Good morning little ones! Damn... you two surely wake up the earliest." She hovered her hand above them where the twins grasped their mother's hand and did some weird helicopter noise with their tiny mouth.

She lifted both of them up, each on her side and carefully brought them downstairs to the kitchen.

Haneul suddenly cried right after Haerin put her into the baby chair. "Oh? Haneul sweetheart, shh don't cry~" She gave a soft kiss on top of head and rushed to the kitchen counter. Haneul cried even louder, and Haerin who was already panicking finally able to stop her from crying when she gave Haneul a pacifier.

Few minutes later, Jungkook finally showed up in the kitchen. He kissed the twins on the top of their heads, ignored the fact that the twins were horrified to see him in his messy hair.

He snuck up on her and he quickly gave her a back hug. Haerin obviously didn't see that coming because she was busy preparing the bottles to feed the twins.

"Jungkook..." She sighed, attempting to glare at him when she looked over shoulder but Jungkook was quick enough to peck her lips. "Ugh... Will you stop it already?" She shook her head.

"You I can't and won't stop whenever I see you." He replied and rested his chin on her right shoulder. "You smell so damn good."

"Mhm. But you smell so damn... like, I can't even tell the difference with the smell of baby's diaper." She sneered, had Jungkook released his arms and spun her around. Now she's trapped in between the counter and him.

"You really got the nerve to insult me like that huh?" He brought his face closer to her. "Well, Jeon Haerin, you had just hurt my pride. So you deserve a heavy punishment." He breathed, tilted her chin up with his slender finger.

Haerin let out a nonchalant snort, snaking her hand on his built chest. Then she moved her head next to his ear.

"Try me."

She whispered, back to the original position with a smirk on her face. "Still, you have to be a responsible father to children." No more smirk on her face as she gave the feeding bottle to Jungkook.

She washed her hands in the sink, and it was quiet before Jungkook breaks the silence.

"And how about me becoming a responsible 'daddy' to my 'baby girl'?"

She stopped. The tap stopped from flowing out water. The butterflies outside stopped. The whole world stopped.

Haerin slowly turned around to see Jungkook who's already sitting on one of the chairs, holding baby Jeongsan while feeding him. The way Jungkook bit his lower lip at her, it driven her mad. Like, sexually mad.

Thanfully Haneul's sudden cries when the pacifier dropped from her mouth had snapped Haerin back to reality. "You..." She pointed at him with a kitchen knife in her hand. "You better not say that again in front our kids."

She quickly picked up the pacifier and left it on the table. She began to feed the crying Haneul, avoiding any eye contact with her husband.

Jungkook let out a small evil laugh to see her face almost as red as tomato.

Haerin was now getting ready to leave to manage her coffee shop business. She took the car keys and a handbag before she rushed to the garage.

"Jeongsan, Haneul... say 'bye-bye' to mommy."

"Da da da da da!!!" Yelled Jeongsan.

"Bwaaa-pyeb-bleb-bleb..." Babbled Haneul.

Their cuteness never failed to amuse Haerin. Also the reason why she sometimes late for work was because of them. "You guys take care, okay? I'll be back before lunch. Love ya!"

She started off the engine.

"Alright! We love you too!" Said Jungkook. Haerin sent her flying kisses at them and finally drove off.

Jungkook closed the door behind and headed to the living room. He was just about to put the twins down on the floor when his phone on the couch suddenly rang.

"Kookie! Good morning!" -Taehyung

"Good morning, Tae. What's up?" -Jungkook

"Oh nothing. I was wondering if the studio open today because I came across a group of kids who very much interested to sign up for the dance class." -Taehyung

"Really?? Wow... Okay, okay I'll be right there." -Jungkook

"You'll be here? Who's gonna look after the twins?" -Taehyung

"Well..." He looked at the twins, but came up with his decision. "I'll bring them too."

"Really? Yeayyy thank you for making my wish comes true haha! Can't wait to meet my niece and nephew!" -Taehyung

"Oh geez... you're so weird." -Jungkook

"Heh~" -Taehyung

"Alright then. See you there." -Jungkook

"Peace~" -Taehyung

He ended the phone call, then crouched down to the twins.

"Come on. Let's get you two ready. Uncle Tae is dying to meet you."


Play Hard To Get II [𝑅𝐸𝑊𝑅𝐼𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺]Where stories live. Discover now