a friend

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Percy's P.O.V.

It seems as if all I've been doing the last few centuries is running. Running to escape the past, running to stall the present, and running to escape the future. I'm tired of it, yet here I am running from my past once again

I hadn't lied to Thalia, everything I said was true. 

Percy Jackson was dead. 

They all killed him.

I don't know how long I'd been walking, but I only realized time had passed when I noticed the sky begin to darken. 

I sighed and began to head towards the cabin.  I notice Luke running towards me. 

"We have an emergency Locky,"

he breathlessly informs me. My senses go into high alert as I question him,

"What's happened?"

he looks at me with a sullen expression,

"We have to eat with the campers."

I looked at him and scowled. Then the conch horn blows. Dinner.  I turn to my second in command and inform him,

"This might be the most difficult obstacle we come across this entire mission, I'm leaving it up to you to make sure no one accidentally kills someone."

He nods silently, understanding the severity of our situation.

We turn towards the direction of the dining pavilion and that's when my brilliant companion decides to scream,


That's when he started sprinting. I contemplated running after him, but then decided to let him win. His self esteem doesn't need the victory, but I planned on talking to Oz anyway. I casually walked to the dining pavilion, arriving to see an angry Luke, who only now seemed to realize I wasn't chasing after him. I brushed him off and sat down to eat. 

Dinner was a bore.

Percy Jackson ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now