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Oz P.O.V.

That bitch!

 That no good scum. I was holding back so much fury. God I wanted to blast her into oblivion. I wanted to make her rot in the void for eternity. Woah. I just went real dark there. Anyway heading back to reality, Annabitch, sorry "Annabeth" had just asked the most idiotic question I've ever heard. Ever!

 I could tell Percy wasn't planning on saying anything or wiping that fish look off his face anytime soon. So, being the kind person I am I said,

 "Who are you to question us"

 The whole angels gave me a confused look.

Luke P.O.V.

Woah. What just happened? So we get summoned to help out earth, then we almost kill everyone,

 Percy is speechless, 

Oz is pissed off.

 I'd say this is common, but Oz doesn't get mad a lot. If he does, then you better run as fast as you can, as far away as you can. I stood in shock as Oz looked like he was going to blast Annabeth to bits. He probably was. 

Oz said," Who are you to question us" 

Annabeth looked at him like he was stupid, then got this look of confidence on her face. This was not the Annabeth I knew. She then replied like she owned the place, 

" I am Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, Architect of Olympus, one of the seven of the prophecy, and many time savior of Olympus." 

Oz looked at her like she was a piece of trash then replied, 

" You make it sound as if without you, none of us would be here"

 "Obviously, all of you need me." 

She said like she was teaching a toddler how to play hopscotch. Now everyone in the room, except for one guy was looking at her like they wanted to kill her. 

"Well" I said,

 "Then you must have enough skill to defeat any of us in battle?"

She replied with a grin on her face, "I could take any of you on! Even your "powerful" commander."

 Percy stepped forward and said," I accept."

Oz P.O.V. 

*Insert evil laughter* She won't last a second. Percy can kill her in an instant. I hope he does. I really really hope he kills her. I don't even know how she's still alive. I would've killed her but that wouldn't be nice. 

"Hey! How are these demigods still young?" I asked the gods. 

Zeus replied, "After we lost..... an important demigod, we each made either one of our children or whoever was head councilor immortal." 

I continued my inquiry,

 "Where is Poseidon?" 

Everyone looked sad except for the same two demigods. Then Hades, who now has a throne, spoke up, 

"Poseidon hasn't been heard from since his son dissapeared. We all fear he will soon begin to fade."

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