Packing the Hospital Bag

Start from the beginning

"If you go in the walk in closet, there's a sack of nursing Brad and tanks I bought sitting on the island thing in the middle." You said.

"Okay, be right back." He said.

Niall came back out with three pairs of socks, three pairs of underwear, and the three nursing bras and tanks you had bought since your doctor told you to pack for three days worth of clothes.

"I'll need pajamas. Will you just grab a pair of my pajamas pants and one of your shirts? None of my pajamas tops fit me." You said.

"Of course, love." He said.

He walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of your fuzzy pajama pants, and then grabbed one of his white t-shirts for you to wear.

"The only thing left on the list for me is a going home outfits. The doctor said they would provide the rest of the stuff I need." You said.

"What do you want to wear when we come home?" He asked.

"Something comfortable. Do you want to get me a pair of black leggings, and one of my comfy sweaters?" You asked.

"Of course babe." He said. "Do you need a tank top to go under the sweater?" He asked.

"I'll need a nursing tank since I want to try to breastfeed." You said.

He got a pair of your leggings out of the dresser and then walked to the closet and pulled out one of your comfy sweaters. He added the clothes to the bag and then turned back to you.

"That should be everything for me. We'll need stuff for you now." You said.

"Okay what do you think I'll need?" He asked.

"You'll need three sets of clothes and pajamas." You said.

Niall walked over to the dresser to grab some jeans and underwear and pajamas, then he walked into the walk in closet to grab some shirts for himself. He came back into the bedroom and added the clothes to the bag.

"What else will I need?" He asked.

"Toothbrush, toothpase, deodorant, and stuff to shower with." You said.

Niall walked into the bathroom and got the things he would need and came back and put them in the bag.

"Is that everything?" He asked.

"That's everything you and I will need but we still need to pack the diaper bag for the babies." You said.

"Okay, lets go up to the nursery to do that." He said.

Niall zipped up the bag for the two of you, and then reached down and helped you stand up off the bed.

The two of you headed up to the nursery so that you could pack the bag for the babies.

"So we'll need to pack the diaper bag so that we have everything we need for the babies." You said.

"Okay do we need both of the diaper bags?" He asked.

"We will only need one at the hospital, but we might as well pack both of them now so that they are ready when we need them." You said.

Niall walked over to the corner of the nursery where the two diaper bags were. The main diaper bag was a white and grey chevron pattern, and then Niall's "Daddy Diaper Bag" was black and looked more like a backpack than a typical diaper bag.

"Okay just tell me what to put into them." He said.

"Well we'll need the obvious...diapers and wipes." You said.

"Yes. Lots of diapers for you to change." Niall said as he flashed you a smirk.

"I'm not the only one that's going to be changing diapers. They are your babies too!" You said.

"I know princess, I'm just jokin with you." He said.

"We also need extra outfits for both of them." You said.

"How many of each do you think we need?" He asked.

"We will need two or three for the hospital and I want to keep at least a couple extra outfits in the bag all the time in case of accidents or messes." You said.

"Okay. So let's put three outfits in for each of the babies for right now and we can put more outfits in later." He said.

"Perfect!" You said.

With your help Niall finished packing the diaper bag with all the other essentials you need for babies: bibs, burp cloths, bottles (in case you can't breastfeed or have trouble), swaddle blankets, pacifiers, and diaper cream.

"Okay is that everything we need?" Niall asked once the bag was nearly full.

"We need to put their going home outfits in." You said.

"Right! Do you know where we put them?" He asked.

"They should be over on the changing table. I made sure to lay them out." You said.

You and Niall had already picked out the outfits that you wanted to take the babies home in. You wanted their outfits to match but it was a little harder because you were having a boy and a girl rather than two babies of the same gender. For Aiden you decided to go with a black onesie that had "hello handsome" written on it with a pair of black and white striped pants. For Addison you had picked out a black onesie with "little miss perfect" on it along with a pair of black and white striped pants that matched Aiden's and a black and white striped headband with a little black bow on it.

Niall put the two outfits into the bag and zipped it up. He then carried the diaper bag and the bag for the two of you, to the garage and put them in the back of the Range Rover so that they would be there when it was time to go to the hospital.

You smiled as you realized that you and Niall were officially ready for the babies. Everything was ready to go to the hospital and everything was ready for them to come home. All you had to do now was wait for the terrifying moment when your water breaks and they come into the world.

** Author'sNote**

Hey guys just want to take a minute to say a couple things! First as my way of saying thank you for all the support you've given me on this Niall series, I worked my butt off today to get two chapters written and posted for you guys!! I hope you like them!

Second thing I want to say/ask for is some patience from you guys. I am at the point in the series where Y/n's water is going to break and she is going to go into labor. I am very excited to write about the labor and delivery but I know that because this is going to be a longer chapter it's going to take me a little bit longer to write. So it might not be until the middle or end of this week before I get the next chapter posted. But I promise that I will post it as soon as I get it finished!

Also, right now this book is sitting at #92 in the Fanfiction category on Wattpad. It is mind blowing to me that one of MY books is in the Top 100! It's all because of YOU! As always thank you guys for all the love and support! You guys are the best and I love you guys! xxx Kaley

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