Getting the Nursery Ready

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"Yeah, one basket is neutral clothes for both the babies, one basket is for Aiden, and the other basket is Ady's clothes." You said.

Each of you took a basket and began to fold the clothes. You had already washed all of them in baby detergent after you bought them, all you needed to do was fold them and put them away once the nursery was set up. Your mom was folding the basket full of girl clothes. She was so excited to finally have a granddaughter because your brother and sister both had boys.

"These are all so cute! I can't wait for the babies to arrive! It's going to be nice to have little ones again!" She said.

"It still doesn't feel real, you know? Like I can see my belly getting bigger and I can feel them moving around in there but it still hasn't hit me that I'm going to be a mom in just a matter of weeks." You said.

"I was the same way. Everyone says a woman becomes a mother when she gets pregnant, but that's not always true. It didn't really hit me until I held you guys for the first time. That's when it all felt real." She said.

You heard the doorbell ring a few minutes later, and you headed downstairs to go answer the door. You opened the door and smiled when you saw Maura standing with Theo on her hip.

"Hey guys!" You said.

"Hope you don't mind that I stopped by. I'm babysitting for Greg and Denise and I thought I'd come see you and Niall." She said.

"You're always welcome, Maura, you know that! My mom and dad are here and we're decorating the nursery if you'd like to help." You said.

"Ooh! I would love to!" She said smiling.

"Y/n!" Theo said as he reached for you.

"Hey buddy!" You said as you reached out and took Theo from Maura's arms.

The three of you then headed upstairs to the nursery. You decided to check on the boys on your way back to the laundry room. You smiled as you stood in the doorway and saw your dad helping Niall finish up the second nursery.

"They look great, boys!" You said, getting their attention.

"Thanks babe." Niall said as he finished up screwing in one of the screws. He then turned towards you and smiled when he saw Maura and Theo with you.

"Uncle Niall!" Theo said as he squirmed in your arms for you to put him down. You bent over and set Theo on the ground and he immediately ran over to Niall.

"Hey Theo!" Niall said as he scooped the blonde haired boy into his arms.

You smiled as you watched Niall interact with Theo because you knew how great of a dad he was going to be. You couldn't wait for Aiden and Addison to arrive so that you could see Niall with them.

You left Theo with Niall and your dad as you and Maura headed down the hallway to the laundry room. With your mom and Maura's help all of the clothes were folded in no time at all. The three of you headed back down to the nursery with the clothes.

"Babe the cribs are ready, where do you want them?" Niall asked.

"I think I want them against that wall, but we need to get the curtains and blinds hung up first." You said.

Your mom and Maura hung up the blinds, followed by the brown and white patterned curtains that you had picked out for the nursery. Then your dad and Niall put the cribs against the wall like you wanted them.

"Okay, then I was thinking the changing table could go in front of the window between the cribs." You said.

Your dad and Niall each took an end of the changing table and placed it in front of the window just as you had pictured it.

Niall Horan Pregnancy SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat