"I'm hot and these leaves are stuffy." Happy says complaining. 

"Your pitiful." Carla tells him annoyed. 'Aye' is all Happy said in response. We kept walking until we came across the same river as before. Happy started rambling about how hungry he is and how he bets there are fish in the river. I look around and spot a person with a fishing rod. 

"Guys look." I say pointing at the man. 

"It looks like an Edolas human" Carla tells us. I look around to see Natsu is gone. 

"Huh?" I say out loud. 

"Yo" I hear Natsu say to the man. "Got a sec?" He says. The man looks like he pissed himself as he runs for his life. I walk over to Natsu and hit him hard on the head. 

"Ow!" He says. "What's wrong with him, I just asked him a little question." Natsu says still incredibly confused. I just sigh and look away. Carla starts scolding Natsu like he is a small child. Natsu gets all mad and Carla says something about if that man reports it to the king then the camouflage is useless. We all take off the plants covering us and we sigh, glad to be out of camouflage. 

We start walking into the forest when Happy decides to break the silence. 

"Finally cooled off, to bad that man didn't leave his fishing rod behind." We all hear a sound further up the trail. 

"That was a strange sound." Wendy says what we were all thinking. 

"Oh another fisherman, this time I will..." Natsu was cut off by Carla. 

"You just never learn." We start walking a bridge vine thing and Natsu and Happy spot a small fish. 

"Uh guys?" I tell them with warning in my voice. Everything in Edolas isn't what it seems, we should learn to be careful. Suddenly the creature goes fully out of the water and reaches higher than us. 

"It's huge!" Happy exclaims with surprise. 

"A tough guy huh, I'm getting fired up." Natsu says. He leaps in the air and goes towards the creature. "Fire dragon iron fist!" He yells punching the fish. His magic doesn't work as the fish slaps him into the water. 

"Natsu!" Me and Wendy yell at the same time. He surfaces with a bump on his head. 

"Huh? My fire didn't work?" He says clearly in pain. I facepalm. 

"Carla already said this dummy, you can't use magic freely hear." I yell at him. Natsu realizes our words and pales.

 "That means" He starts. "We run" We all state running from the monster fish. Natsu and the others start yelling as I try to focus on running and living. We make it to the edge of the island with the fish still following us. The fish strangely avoids us and falls off the island, landing into the river. Carla gives Natsu yet an other lecture. Natsu only replies with. 

"I don't understand but I know this is my mistake."

"What can you not understand!" Carla yells at him. 

"Carla, your going to far, Natsu didn't mean any harm" Wendy tells the white exceed. 

"If he meant it then it would be worse!" Carla yells at us. 

"Guys, we need to calm down. We need to work together and not fight" I explain to them as we start walking again, trying to keep everyone from fighting. We continue walking into the forest. We notice two people walking on a branch above us. They both looked shocked. 

"We got spotted again." Carla says stating the obvious. 

"What will we do?" Wendy asks someone. 

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