Like Rabbits - Part Two

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Coulson tried to keep his vision trained on the carpet in front of him, he really did. Even Mack was having trouble with the same thing. But no matter what he did, Coulson found his gaze drifting back to the woman behind him.

Jemma waddled next to Fitz, whom was laden with a backpack of the couple's clothes and toiletries and two rolling suitcases filled with collected baby items and Jemma's food cravings.

Mack was rolling a third up front.

"So, um, how've you been?" He tried, and failed to look at Jemma's face but his eyes were pulled right back down to the bowling ball of a midsection.

"It's like heaven. And hell," she glared stiffly at him. "My eyes are up here, sir,"

Coulson gave her a weak grin.

Jemma waddled onboard the Zephyr, several techs suddenly looking up at her arrival. A few nodded their approval to Fitz, one even giving a round of applause followed by a shouted "It's canon!" And another rather familiar face sulked in the corner.

Fitz grinned smugly to himself. Wrap your oddly shaped head around that, Milton!

He stashed their bags out of the way before following his wife up the stairs to the control room. Everyone's heads turned as if at once.
More nods. And then an ear splitting whistle that had even May wincing.

Fitz groaned. "Hello, Hunter."

The merc came flying out at them, an insanely wide grin on his face. "Well, if it isn't my favorite pair of wascally wabbits!" He paused for a moment. "Oh, wait, might want to do a head count there,"

Jemma gave him a tight smile. "Nice to see you, Lance,"

His mouth opened to reply, but Bobbi grabbed his tac vest from behind. "Don't piss her off, Hunter. Her hormones could take your head off,"

He cast a glare at his wife. "I'm just welcoming them aboard. Nothing wrong with that,"

"Mmhm," she shoved him playfully, leaning forward to give Jemma a hug. "I need details," she murmured into her ear, smirking.

Fitz rolled his eyes, overhearing. "Please keep it PG, Morse,"

Jemma leaned to peck him on the nose. "Sorry, Fitzy,"

He groaned.

May entered, giving Hunter another light shove to which he protested loudly, and took a glance at the pair of them. A smile twitched at the corner of her mouth. "How are they?"

Jemma looked flustered for a moment before her smile broke through. "Excellent. Couple of rowdy ones, they are. Just like their father," she leaned back into Fitz, his arm automatically coming up to rest on her bump.

Hunter gagged. "You two, I swear," suddenly, he perked up. "Wait, them?"

Fitz smiled dreamily. "Them. Twins. We're half way to an SUV,"

"Mini van," Jemma corrected.

"No, SUV. I'm not being caught dead in one of -"

"- not that bad -"

" - family friendly -"

"- safer, more safety features -"

The two continued on, one after the other.

Hunter sighed dreamily. "They're back, Bobs! Our tiny nerdy children!"

She hit him upside the head.

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