School Days

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Monday morning had rolled around much faster than expected. It was now time for school to begin as little brunette boy waddled into the playground. His blue eyes darted around the schoolyard until they landed on his two friends standing near the front door. He started to walk towards his two friends when two people stepped in front of him.

"Hey look who it is Azimio." Said a tall, chubby brunette boy.

"Yeah Karosfky It's lady face." Laughed the other boy who was slightly overweight and had dark skin.

"Go away." Kurt muttered quietly.

"Hey we heard that Hummel!" Yelled Karofsky taking a step closer towards the now terrified boy.

"Now were going to give you another chance to be nicer to us. So what do you wanna say to us?" Said Azimio

"N-noth-nothing." Kurt stuttered.

"That's better lady face." Said Karofsky taking a few steps forwards so that he was right in Kurt's face.

"Hey!" Someone yelled from behind him. "Get away from him."

Kurt turned around quickly to see none other than Blaine walking up to the group. He wore a look of anger mixed with frustration on his face as he charged towards the two bullies.

"Look it's fairy number two." Laughed Azimio

"Okay you can pick on me all you want but just don't hurt Kurt!" Blaine yelled causing Kurt to hide a small blush that crept on his small face.

"C'mon Azimio lets go before these two turn us into fairies." Karosfky spat before leaving Kurt and Blaine alone.

"Thanks." Mumbled a sad Kurt.

"Does that happen a lot?" Blaine questioned.

"Yeah, almost every day last year." Kurt confessed quietly.

"Oh." Blaine said softly. "But don't worry now that I'm here and we're best friends I'm not going to let them pick on you ever again." He smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks Blaine." Said Kurt smiling as well.

"I mean it." Blaine said grabbing Kurt's hand."There not going to hurt you as long as I'm around. Well they might if I'm sick one day and have to miss school but when I'm actually here they won't hurt you."

"Okay Blaine." Kurt laughed at his friend.


"Lets go inside." Blaine said dragging Kurt inside the school. They still walked hand in hand when they entered the classroom and sat down. A few minutes pasted and eventually the
whole class had entered the room and sat down.


Days had passed since that Monday and it was now the Friday of the following week. Kurt and Blaine's relationship as friends was becoming much stronger. They were on there way to becoming practically inseparable and didn't go a moment without thinking about each other. They had obviously instantly clicked and were becoming the best of friends. So when Blaine walked into his classroom Friday morning he ran over to his small desk where a charming brunette boy sat.

"Hi Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed while taking his seat.

"Hi Blaine." Kurt said looking up from his Vogue magazine.

There was a moment of silence where the two boys just sat starting into each other's eyes. This tended to happen a lot, whenever they were at loss for words they just stared at each other before one finally broke the awkward silence. In this case, it was Kurt who spoke first.

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