An unusal pet

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When i woke up i got ready for school faster than normal and ran down stairs for breakfeast. What are you so excited about? Oh nothing just really can't wait till after school. Hey Catrina If you even go fifty feet from this house without asking me you will be grounded for a very long time. Is it ok if i just hang out in the woods? Uhh yeah thats fine but if i get home and your not in the woods or in the house you are so dead. Mom i promise i will be in the woods the whole time. She looked at me confused. Ok. Have fun at school. I will. Bye mom. Bye Catrina. I ran out to my car and drove off ready to start the day. When i got to school the girls ran over to me. They all looked at me surprised at what i was wearing. I was wearing a black skirt and a shirt that showed a little bit of my stomach. What happened to you? Kyla asked. Lela came over yesterday and taught me how to impress Harry. Ahhh but i thought you didn't like anymore because he has a girlfriend? I still like him but i'm not gonna let it show especially in front of him. They all laughed. So what did you end up doing last night when i left. Lela asked. I just sat in the woods and acted like an explorer. Is that so? Yep. So why are you so happy? Because when i was in the woods i made a friend. Ok what is up with the woods? Is there just a giant group of hot guys stalking you or something? I looked at her like she was an idiot. What? no. I didn't meet a guy. Then what did you meet. I met a wolf. Now she looked at me like i was an idiot. Lela i'm serious. Yesterday i ran into a wolf that looked like Harry and he let me pet him. uha sure Catrina and i met a dinosaur and it let me ride it. Lela i'm not lying i can even prove it to you. Ok prove it to me. I will. Ask your  mom if you can over to my house today and i will show you mini Harry. Who? Mini Harry. You gave him a name? Yeah. Why? Why not? Uhhhhhh Catrina i think you have completely lost it but my parents said i could come over but i have to be home by nine. Kay. Then the bell rang and we all walked to first period. In class i couldn't pay attention. I was fully focused on if mini Harry was actually going to show up today because if he didn't i would look like a complete wacko in front of my best friend. I was in my last class when someone interupted class by knocking on the door. Our ELA teacher opened the door and then i saw someone i really didn't want to see at all. Harry. All the girls in the class started freacking out other than me and Lela. Umm who do you need? Ms. Williams asked. I need Catrina Adams. I looked up and glared at him. Ms adams you are leaving early. I looked at Lela then walked towards Harry. What do you want? I asked harshly. I want to talk to you. I obviously don't want to talk to you.  He looked at me with sad eyes. Cmon lets just go. I went out to my car and hoped in. What do you think your doing? He asked me. Getting in my car what does it look like? Then he walked around the car and got in. Get out of my car! No i need to talk to you. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME HARRY! He looked at me scared. Just don't go in the woods today. Then he got out and walked away. Wait how did he know i was going to go in the woods today? I let it slip my mind as i wanted to get home to see mini Harry. I don't care what harry says. He is probably just playing a joke on me. By the time i got home school was over and Lela was already there. I got out and walked over to her. You ready to be blown away? Ohh yeah i'm Ready Catrina. Amaze me. We went into the woods and there he was. Mini Harry just laying there waiting for me. See told you. Lela looked at me astonished. Wow. Mini Harry! I yelled. He looked up and when he saw me he looked like he was a little upset that i came. I looked at Lela. Wanna pet him? Yeah. Come here. Hey mini Harry this is my friend Lela. He stared at me like i was a retard. Then i sat down and he climbed on to my lap. Lela sat down and started to pet him too. Wow this is so cool. its like he is your own pet. Yeah but an unusal pet. She smiled at me. I wonder why Harry didn't want me to come to the woods. There is nothing dangerous about this. Right then I heard three howls. What was that? Lela asked. I don't know. HOWWWWL HOOOOWWWWL HOOWWWWWLL! Then mini Harry jumped up and took off. MINI HARRY! I ran after him. when i turned the corner I saw the last thing i wanted to see. A pack of wolves. 

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