Ripped Apart

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That night i couldn't sleep. Something was nagging at me. Why would Lou not want me to know that Harry was a werewolf and why would i regret seeing him as a werewolf. Harry is even cutier as werewolf. That made me think of when me and Harry first met and he told me to run to my house in a frantic voice. Why didn't he just tell me that he was a werewolf and not to tell anyone. If he would of told me right away when we were looking for Lou no one would've been hurt. My mom wouldn't had to worry if i was dead or not. For some unknown reason anger started to build up inside. I felt ferious at Harry for not telling me. He coudl've told me he knew something bad was going to happen but he didn't. He just let us get taken and let himself get beat up when he could've ddone something about it. I clenched my fist. Then i felt a tear escape. Maybe i'm just tired. It has been a long day. I closed my eyes but all i could see was Jaden as a wolf. The next day i was really really tired. I got ready and ran downstairs to eat some cereal. I made myself a bowl and sat down at the kitchen table. Whaen iwas done i grabbed my bag and put on my shoes. Bye mom. Bye Catrina. She yeld from in the living room. Today i was wearing a crop top and booty shorts. Yeah i know they're probably not appropriate buut at this point i don't care and its almost summer so i can't get int too much trouble. I walked out to my car and drove off to school. When i got inside there were the girls waiting at my locker. I ran over to them. Hey guys whats up? Oh nothing just that you and Lela have been missing for the past two days and the school is saying that Harry kinapped you because he was with you when the school saw you last. Kyla said nonchalantly. WHAT! no that can't be right. Well it's all over the news and its all everyone is talking about. But Lela saw me before we got taken and that was when we were at my house in the woods. So someone did take you? Bella asked. Yeah. These three guys did. I looked at Lela wondering if i shiuld tell them all the details. Lela shook her head. Yeah thats probably a good idea. I thought to myself. They probably wouldn't even believe me. What did you guys do? Oh Harry saved us. Well go tell the that before he goes to jail for no reason. I sprinted to the office to explain what happened and that Harry saved us. I told him everything. Well almost everything. Please! Sir he never hurt us he saved us from getting hurt. How do you know this guy? He asked. He is my boyfriend. Why did he pick you up yesterday if he didn't even go home with you? He needed to talkto me. What about? He told me not to go into the woods when i got home. Did you? Yes. Then you got kidnapped. Yes sir. He looked at me as if trying to see if i was lying. I'm sorry but that seem suspicious that he told to keep out of the woods and when you go in the woods you get kidnapped. No you have to believe he was just looking out for me. Catrina unless you have any proof i can't say i believe you. I tear rolled down my cheek. This is all my fault. I should've listened to Harry when he told me to stay out of the woods. Now because of me he will have to pay for my foolishness. Catrina. I looked at Mr Donald. He sighed.I turned around and ran out not wanting to hear more. Now the whole is going to hate me ut most of all Harry will hate me. I got to my locker and the girls were still standing there talking about who knows what. They saw that i was back and looked at me. Did it work? Lela asked. No. He said he needs proof other wise he won't believe me. What happens if you don't give him proof? Bella asked. He goes to jail. Now i was really crying. Yeah i know this might sound pathetic to you but think what you would do if you were in this situation. Right then the bell rang. Cmon girls. I said sadly. We started to walk to class when Harry came busting through the school doors being chased by some teachers. HARRY! I ran over to them and pushed some ors away. STOP! STOP ITS OK! The teachers backed away from but were standing behind him watching his every move. I hugged him. Are you ok? Yeah i'm great. He said out of breath. Hey i'm sorry about putting you into this. No its fine. No its not because you'll end up in jail and.... WHAT! Harry screamed. Oh you didn't know that? NO! What would i go to jail for. Harry the school is blaming you for kidnapping me because the last time they saw me before i was taken i was with you. He looked at me ferious. Why didn't you tell them i didn't do it. In fact i sved you not kidnapped you. I know. I told them that but they said they need proof to believe me. We don't have proof though. He said nervously. Exactly. I'm sorry. I didn't ask for this to happen. Yeah me neither. He said sarcastically. He went to walk out of the school. Harry! What do want Catrina! What! I.. I. I started to stutter. You know what Catrina you are just so confusing. Cause one day were are best friend and want to hang out then the next you act like i'm not even there and you hate me. So which is it Catrina. Do you really hate so much that you don't even try to get me out of jail. I DID TRY THE WON'T LISTEN TO ME! No. You went into that office you told them like half of the story and they said sorry we need evidence you just gave up. You stopped there and said sorry but i guess you are going to jail for something you didn't do because i don't have any evidence for you. He looked at more angry than before. You yesterday when you said that you loved i thought you meant it but i guess i was only dreaming. Then he turned and walked out. I just stood there staring at the door not even caring i was late. Lela came over and made me lookm at her. Catrina just forget him. No hes right. Hes right Lela. Catrina hes just angry. Now cmon we have to get to class. No! She looked at surprised. Catrina don't let him get to you! Lela i'm letting get to me because i love him and now he hates my guts. He thinks i hate him when everything i've done or thought about was him. I cut my hair for him i changed my style for him and i fucking went to his house to ask him to find a girl wearing only his t-shirt. Do you really think that i'm not going to let grt to my head. This is all my fault. Catrina. She whispered. Just leave me alone. Then i ran out the front and getting into my to drive home. Yet i some how ended up at Liam's. I walked up hoping he wasn't home since he was probably going to slam the door in my anyway. I knocked and within a couple of seconds he opened the door. Hey Liam. Hey. Can i talk to you? Liam asked. Uhh yeah. I went in and sat on the couch. So what did you want to talk about? Do you really like him? Who? I asked. Harry. Oh yeah. Then why won't you try to help him look for evidence. Because i know for sure there is none. Did you check the sercurity tapes at the school. They won't let me because i'm not an adult. Wow that is pretty stupid. Yeah. You know you really hurt him? Yeah i know but i really want to fix it. I don't really think that is possiable. Liam you never know unless you try. He smiled at me. Then what are you waiting for lets go see him. Right now? yeah. Ummmm i don't think that is a good idea. He is really mad at me. Well lets go see if we can change that. Ok. We drove over to harry's house in my car. I knocked on the door nervous about whats about to happen. Harry opened the door. It took him a second to realize it was me. What? I think i found some evidence? I said kind of unsure. Then he slammed the door in my face. I ran to my car and drove off. Did it work? Nope. I dropped Liam off and drove off to my house. The rest of the day i sat in my room crying. I just felt like i was sitting in a hell hole and had no way out. I have always hated school but now i have an actual reason oter than its boring.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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