The Mystery Boy in the Woods

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Hi i am Catrina Adams. This is my story about how i met my true love. Well it all started one day when i was walking home from school and heard something running through the woods. Me being myself i threw my bookbag down and ran into the woods to see what the noice was. I went into the woods and walked for about ten minutes. HELLO! ANYONE THERE! crack. whose there? Then out jumped the last person i thought i would see. Harry Styles from One Direction. Oh i am sorry i was just looking for my friends. Oh no i was just wondering what you were doing because i heard you in here and normally no one comes in this part of the forest. Oh well yeah i am just looking for my friends. Ummm do you want  me to help you? Yeaah that would be great. Oh my name is Catrina. Nice to meet you Catrina i am Harry. Yeah i know i love One Direction. Oh so your a big fan. Yeah. Why? Well normally when a fan sees us they want to take pictures and screams in are faces. ahh right. Yeah i'm not like an average Directioner. You say that likes its a bad thing. I smiled at him but quickly looked away when i heard someone screaming. Harry looked at me and whispered Lou. We started running deeper and deeper into the forest but couldn't find lou. Harry started calling for him but no response. Harry looked at me and told me to go back to my house. I looked at him confused. GO! RUN CATRINA! I heared the nervousness in his voice and turned around and sprinted towards the house wanting to be safe. When i got there i grabbed my bookbag and ran in the house locking the door. I sat there waiting for Harry to come back with Lou with him. When suddenly the door opened. It was my mom. Hey mom did you see anyone in the woods when you were outside. No. Why? Oh nothing i was just wondering. I sighed. What had Harry been so nervous about that he wanted me to leave. My mom made us dinner and after dinner i did my homework at the kitchen table. After i was done with my homework i sat and waited for Harry to show up and explain what happened and that lou was ok but he never came. When it came to nine thirty at night i had to go to bed. I got ready for bed and layed down and stared at the ceilling. That night i got no sleep. All i thought about is what happened earlier today with Harry and what might have happened to him and Lou. They're probably ok they just had to go to do some important things. I mean they are the biggest Boy band. Yet there was a feeling in my stomach that wasn't true at all.

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