"Well you see sir."

"The answer is Harriet Tubman. And why is because she was a strong women who never thought about herself. She always put others first and knew what was right. And knew that everyone else mostly the white people were wrong."

I hear Roe say and she stood up.

She looks back at me and gives me a nod and sits down. I give a nod back even though she can't see me, but I know she knows that I'm grateful.

"Thank you Miss Cortez but I do believe that I asked Mr. Curry the question and not you." He says in a strict tone.

"However! Since you did such an excellent job explaining it. I will let it slide...but next time make sure your boy friend is playing attention." He smirks at the end and I can see Roe shrink into her seat and I can just tell she's blushing like crazy. Not helping her cause at all.

Roe's POV:

I can't believe that just happened. I mean what was I thinking??? Standing up and answering for him!

Like no duh did I just save his sorry ass from embarrassment but like he called us boy friend and girl friend! When we aren't!

"I can't believe you actually did that" amber writes down on a piece of paper next to me.

I nod to her and sigh,

"I know right! It's so not me! Ugh I was so embarrassed..." I write trying to copy down the notes on the board at the same time.

"So...do you like him?" She writes and looks up at me, trying to find in answer in my eyes.

"What?? No way! He's just a friend. I like Andy, you know that!" I write down and give her a scowl.

"Ugh! I know I know! But idk sometimes you guys look like...and act like more than just friends."
She writes down and I mentally slap myself. I gotta tell her the truth.

"He kissed me yesterday." I write down and lord her face. Her face was the worst face I've ever seen.

"What!" She says a bit too loudly. And everyone looks at her. She shrinks back into her chair and her face goes completely red.

"Something the matter Miss Amber?" The teacher asks and she quickly shakes her head.

"No! No...I was just so...um infuriated on how the slaves were treated. It's horrible just god awful!" She says and the teacher just sighs, mumbles lousy teenagers and continues writing down random facts.

"Wtheck! You cheated on my brother?!!!" She writes down and I shake my head.

"NO! DEAR GOD AMBER! WHAT TYPE OF GIRL DO YOU THINK I AM??? He kissed me and I pushed him off. He didn't know I was dating anyone." I wrote down and sigh.

I mean I can't blame her for thinking that but it still hurts...a lot! And it's not like I cheated! HE kissed ME and I PUSHED him OFF! At least I didn't kiss him back.

Though...his soft plump lips against mine, him trying to get my into it. Gently biting my lip ahh. OH MY GOSH STOP IT ROE!

I slap myself and luckily the bell rings. Everyone starts putting their stuff away and Amber and I do the same. We both get up and I stay put as she starts walking.

"Why aren't you walking?" She asks.

"I'm waiting for Lucas we have next period together." I say and she sighs.

"Alright...just watch it Roe." She sighs again and I just watch her leave with disbelief. She doesn't trust me. Wow.

"Ready?" Lucas asks and I nod my head, while he throws his arms loosely over my shoulder.

My best friends brotherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن