Chapter 5

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A couple of days later it was the day of the concert. I was so excited. Earlier I had picked out my outfit. Right after practice was over I gave Aiden my address and we both headed off to get ready, about 2 hours later I was ready (outfit in pic🔝). And Aiden was on his way over. 5 minutes later I hear the door bell go off, I run to the door, open it and I see Aiden standing there (I would never openly admit it but he look extremely hot). It wasn't even till he cleared he's throat that I realized I was staring. I looked down and blushed. He tried to make me feel better not saying anything. But I really couldn't stop staring. So he just ended up laughing.

"You ready to go? And by the way you look beautiful." He said

"Absolutely. And thanks. You look amazing too." I replied.

*time skip to when their at the concert*

We were there an hour early. Aiden went off and was buying drinks. I was walking around when I spotted a girl doing a Harley Quinn cosplay. She was talking to Ash the lead singer from New Years Day. The girl turned around and I realized it was Cody Carson's (the lead singer for Set it Off) girlfriend. I wanted to go up and say something. But Electra (I think that's her name) looked upset. I waited a few minutes until their conversation was over to go up and see if she was alright.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked her

"Ehh. Could be better. But (she snapped her fingers and pointed at me) whatever." She replied.

"Are you sure. I mean can see if I can find Cody?"

"No. No. It's okay. It's... He just really pissed me off."

"Ohhh. Gotcha, gotcha. I'm DJ by the way." I say holding out my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Electra. But call me Lex. All my friends do. Minus Cody. He calls me E. (She again snaps her fingers and points at me)."

We both just look at each other and start laughing.

"Electra!! Electra!! Electra" he says more relaxed once he sees her. I see that he's dressed as the joker. Now Lex's outfits makes more sense. "Electra I'm so sorry. I know I screwed up. I know I shouldn't be so over protective. Your a grown woman I know you can handle yourself. It's just I get so jealous some times. I don't like when guys look at the way only I can look at you"

"It's fine. I shouldn't have overreacted. But sometimes I would like for you to take how I carry myself into consideration. It's just I like when I dress up as characters who aren't me. Because I don't like myself."

"What do you mean you don't like yourself?"

"I hope that you don't mind that I butt in. But I think I know what she means. She's not confident about herself. She feels like she's not worthy. She doesn't feel appreciated in her own body." I say.

"If you don't mind me asking who are you?" Cody asked

"Oh I'm.." I was saying until Lex cut me off

"Oh. This is my one of my new best friends DJ." Lex said.

I see Cody slip his hand into Lex's and her turn and smile at him. I think of how lucky they are to have each other, and smile to my thought.

Cody looked at me and said "So are you here with anyone or are you a loner?"

"Oh I'm with my umm. (I give a I don't know look and they nod) so yea." I reply

"Well why don't you guys come backstage and hang out with us?" Cody says.

"OH MY GOD!! Really?"

"Yea. Absolutely." Both Cody and Lex say.

"Oh my god. We'd love too." I say

After giving them a description of Aiden, we went off looking for him. We found him talking to another guy.  I go over next to him and tap him in the shoulder. He turns around looks down at me and smiles. He turns to the guy he was talking to and says

"Rye. This is DJ. DJ this is one of my best friends Rye."

Rye looks at me and gets the biggest smile on his face looks at Aiden. And says to me "Oh so this is the infamous DJ. It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."

"Umm. Nice to meet you too. I think (I say mostly to myself, but Aiden hears me and a smile lands on his face)." I say.

Aiden jumps in before Rye can say anything else. "Well Rye it's was good seeing you. Catch you later.

Rye looks and laughs. "Yea see you around dude".

Aiden turns back to me after Rye leaves. "So what's up?" Aiden asked me.

I turn to Lex and Cody. And I face back towards Aiden and smile. "Do I have a story to tell you." I say.

Ciao my muses
I'm so happy that we FINALLY got to write this chapter. It was so much fun to write. Go check out her story to see Cody's and Electra's version of it. Remember it's kayla_mikita and the story it "their merch girl"
Arrivederci my muses❤️❤️

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