Chap 2

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"Hello?" I said. While he was still staring off into wonderland after I told him I listen to set it off and others.

"Sorry. It's just I never pictured a girl like you to listen to music like that."

"Umm. I would say it's ok. If I knew what you meant by 'girl like me'."

"Oh. No. I don't mean it in a bad way. Just you know.... Preppy"


"Ugh. You know, we got off to the wrong start. Can we just start over?"

"Uhh. Sure I guess"

"Ok. Do you have any siblings?"

I look down, that's still a hard topic to talk about. I have a brother but I haven't heard from him in 3 years. Aiden seemed to notice my mood change, and added a different question.

"So what made you go into dance?"

"Uh. That's kind of a hard answer. I've always been a dancer. Since I was 3."

"How is anyone able to dance at age 3 what is it like they just go around shaking their bodies?"

We both start laughing. Then Britney walks up. (Regina George of the school). Britney is the girl my friends and I like to call Bitchney so if you ever her us say that. She's who were talking about.

"What's so funny? This girls clothing?" Bitchney starts laughing to herself and her Asses. (Her Asses are what we call her entourage Ashley, Stella, & Sophie). I've just learned to ignore what they say. She sits down next to us, uninvited I might add. And starts talking to Aiden.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be talking to your partner?" I said. Looking and Max who was her partner for her project. And my actual dance partner. He looks at me and apologizes.

"He was to boring. So I walked away." She looks at Aiden and says to him "You don't want me to leave do you?"

"Actually I do. I was having a very nice conversation, then you decided to walk over here and ruin it" he replied.

I was ready to die from laughing to hard. She looked at him like he was crazy. Then she got a smirk on her face.

"You don't really don't mean that's do you?" She said while basically trying to swallow his neck. I felt really disgusted. Just looking at this made me want to puke. He pushes her away with a disgusted look on his face. And told her to get off him. She walked away and back to Max. And the Asses walked back to their partners. Aiden looked at me and said

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be. That was awesome. I've never seen anyone push her away" I replied.

We both just look at each other and start laughing. The bell rings and we head off to our next class

*time skip to after school*

I head back to the dance studio. Practice is first period and after school. Everyone was already in there. We all warm up and start our first dance. By the time the dance was over. The singers were already in the studio. Everyone went to their partners. Aiden came up to me and asked me, what we were gonna do.

"Well. I want to see what you can do so we are gonna go out."I replied.


"You heard me come on. Grab your stuff."

"We're just gonna leave?"

"Haha. Nice try. I already asked if we could leave early. Meet me at the library in an hour. Wear something you can move in"

I walk away leaving him surprised at what I just said.

Ciao my muses~
My friend kayla_mikita  are doing a collab soon and its with her story "Their Merch girl"
It's an amazing story and I love it go check it out. Alright see you later
Arrivederci my muses❤️❤️.

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