Chap 3

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*Aidens POV*

I have no idea what I just got myself into. She seemed like such respectable girl. Let me explain what just happen. After I showed up at the library. She wasn't there. So I waited for her to show up. Not long after I felt tap on my shoulder. I turned around and expect to see blond headed bimbo (no offense to any blonde haired girls). But there was DJ. She had a smirk on her face.

"Ready?"she said.

"Umm. I guess" I replied.

"Ok this way" she said as she headed into the library.

"Umm what are we doing in here this is the library"

"Yes. I'm quite aware of that. Now come on we're already late."

"Late? Late for what?"

"You ask WAY too many question" DJ said while giggling.

Then I decided to stop asking questions and just follow. She lead me down a couple of halls and for a second I thought she was going to kill me. But then I heard music coming from one of the doors. When we finally reached that door it said basement. We go down the steps and the music is blazing. I look over and there is a group of people dancing. It's not even just teenagers. It's people of all ages. There's kids, teens, even adults. As we step in front of them their al just free styling. All commenting on each others moves. Trying to learn each other's moves. When DJ finally spoke up she said.

"Hey guys this is Aiden. He goes to the academy with me but he's a singer." She turns to me and says loud enough for everyone to here "So let's see what he's got"

"Are you serious?" I reply

"Completely" she replies with a smile on her face.

"Fine. Let's do this then"

Ciao my muses
I'm sorry it took me so long to update this chapter. I hope you like this chapter. Umm the collab is coming up soon I promise I just wanted to write a little more. Anyway. See you guys later.

Arrivederci my muses❤️❤️

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