Chap 4

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Little authors note. Don't watch this video till I tell you to. Trust me. It'll make much more sense if you just wait.

I thought we would have start from the basics but he was actually a really good dancer. He looked really comfortable on the floor. After he was done I looked at him with my jaw just about on the floor. He looked at me and smirked.

"What you didn't think I was new at this did you?" He asked

"No I just didn't think that you could actually dance. No offense. It's just every time we do something like this I get stuck with someone who can't dance. Cause I help teach them." I reply.

"Alright teach. Why don't you show me how it's like to dance with you." He said still smirking.

"Fine then."

*Ok. Now you can watch the video. Don't pay attention to their conversations because I'm not using those.*

By the end of the dance we both forgot that there were other people in the room. It wasn't until there was the sound of clapping that we even broke eye contact. We both just separated. And I could have sworn I saw him blush. But I can't really say a nothing because I'm blushing just as much. We all went back to doing our own thing but Aiden and I had to stay next to each other cause we were think about ideas for our dance.

*time skip to the next day cause I'm lazy.

I see Aiden running the hallway and I hear him calling my name. When he finally catches up he says to me.

"Hey can I ask you a question?"

"You just did" I replied giggling slightly.

"Ok. Well. Um. I have two tickets to a set it off concert. And I was kind of wondering if you wanted to go with me?" He says

I stop right where I am.

"It was a stupid idea never mind."

"No. It's not that I was just shocked. A) I've never been to a set it off concert and would love to go and B) why me of all people?"

"I don't know. But was that a yes I heard?" he asked.

"Absolutely" I said with a big smile on my face.

Ciao my muses
I'm sorry it took me so long to update this chapter. I hope you like this chapter. Umm the collab is coming up in the next chapter. So I hope you guys enjoy it. Remember read her story she is kayla_mikita and her story that I'm doing to collab with is "their merch girl"

Arrivederci my muses❤️❤️

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