Chapter two This is whats its come to

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Sherlock woke thrashing and covered in a cold sweat. His stormy blue eyes flashing open he threw himself backwards painfully into the bed frame where am I!? Panicking Sherlock struggled to control his breathing as he grew aware of his surroundings. Kicking the blanket off of where it was tangled with his legs Sherlock pulled himself up carefully. His back was on fire as he trudged out of the guest room and into the bathroom. Sherlock stayed away from the mirror not wanting to see what stared back at him from the mirror right now. Turning on the shower Sherlock leaned back against the wall as steam began to gather in the small bathroom. Finally Sherlock took a deep breath and quickly stripped off his clothing, breathing hard Sherlock gritted his teeth against the pain as he stepped into the shower. The Hot water burned his skin pleasantly as he stood absorbing the heat. Staring at his feet he watched swirls of blood flow down the drain with the rest of the water I must have reopened a wound. Cleaning his hair quickly Sherlock clambered out of the shower and wrapped himself in a towel as the rooms chill settled in without the hot water providing steam. Walking towards the sink Sherlock dared to look at his reflection.his hair was too long reaching to his shoulders now when his curls didn't keep it up. Dropping the towel Sherlock scanned his body. Blotches of purple, green or yellow bruises covered his skin. All of them Bruises in different stages of healing. White scars thick and thin covered his skin from the numerous tortures he had suffered while under cover. Newer injuries gleamed ugly and red against his pale skin. Daring to look at his back Sherlock gasped quietly bloody hell one of the larger gashes across his back had been torn open. No doubt from thrashing around during his nightmare. Smaller scratches and gashes covered his back,shoulders and reaching lower. From pipes,knives, whips. Nonononono. Sherlock chanting as he doubled over pulling at his hair. The small shocks of pain bringing him back to the present. no one is here, it's me just me. Sherlock soothed as he slowly stood and dug through Ms.Hudson's drawers for scissors. Finding a pair Sherlock Skilfully set to cutting his long hair sending damp black hair falling to the ground. Finally Satisfied with his work Sherlock cleaned his back and treated the wound before drying himself and getting dressed. Exiting the flat Sherlock stared at the daunting flight of stairs. John. slowly Sherlock placed one foot in front of another making himself walk closer to the flat, home, john, reaching the door Sherlock stared at it fighting the urge to run. Slowly he turned the knob and slipped inside. Oh my god. the flat was a mess. Books and empty bottles thrown around the room among piles of old papers and random items. Sherlock picked his way through the flat towards johns room. The bed was made neatly with the room bare. no John in sight. Frowning Sherlock closed johns door and made his way to his old room. The door was slightly ajar. Pushing the door open Sherlock couldn't help the small thrill at the sight of John asleep in his bed covered in a mountain of pillows. Slowly Sherlock made his way to johns side. He was peaceful looking in his sleep. I missed him, sherlock couldn't bring himself to wake John from him slumber so instead he stepped away and looked around his room. It was exactly the same except his violin which was propped against the wall on top of his dresser. Sherlock picked it up gingerly before plucking a string twang Still in tune. John must have kept it in tune. Sherlock smiled as he picked up the bow and slipped out of the room. Staring sadly at the mess Sherlock set aside his instrument as he started to clean the flat. Tossing empty, full, and half full bottles of scotch. Cigar butts where scattered around randomly. Sherlock grabbed a paper from the floor and read the title Sherlock Holmes world wide known detective commits suicide today; guilty or not?. Sherlock winced as he tossed it aside and turned back to cleaning.

John woke to the sound of a violin playing. not again. he thought as he dragged himself from bed. Groaning John clutched his head. hungover again. Making his way out of sherlocks Room John squinted at the clean flat. I must have cleaned it while drunk. john settled on as he headed towards the kitchen. The violin music never stopped as he grabbed an empty glass filling it with water he searched the cabinets for a few tylenols to help with his pounding head. Finding them John quickly began Downing the pills. he plopped himself in his chair as the violin continued. God his head hurt. Gritting his teeth John winced as the music grated his nerves.
"bloody hell would you stop!" John shouted as he whirled around to look at sherlocks shocked face. His chin tucked against the elegant violin. Arm raised bow in hand but not moving as he stared at John in utter silence.
"God this is what it has come to" John asked sadly as he gazed at sherlocks confused face.
"First you leave. Then Mary leaves and now your back with me"
"John...what?" Sherlock asked dropping his arms his Violin lightly thumping against his leg
"I'm back" Sherlock choked out as john smiled sadly at Sherlock before walking back into sherlocks room and shutting the door.


Sherlock stood shocked at johns outburst. He didn't even react to me. Sherlock thought numbly as pain exploded in his chest making his fingers go numb. Dropping the violin Sherlock slowly slumped to the floor as he stared at the closed door. he didn't looked surprised. Or even happy to see me. Sherlock felt his eyes burn before he shook his head and stood grabbing the violin and bow Sherlock dumped them into his chair as he sat on his old couch John needs time. he reminded himself. he is hungover and tired he needs time this is a lot to take in. Sherlock swallowed thickly and stared at the now faded yellow smiley face spray painted on the wall bullet holes still riddled the wall. curling on his side Sherlock closed his eyes. he just needs time.

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