16 | Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair

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Three people were dying in that moment, because of her and the little girl couldn't carry her secret anymore. She had to confess, "Stop! Stop it. I killed Wells alright! I did it!"

Their bodies fell down one by one as Finn reacted the fastest, cutting the ties with the couples own knives. The weapon that incriminated them in the first place. John's crashed down in one second, he crumpled onto the ground and didn't move. Winnie's took longer, she swung from side to side before the rope cut all the way. Her first instinct was to gulp down air and when she finally hit the ground - her face into the earth - nobody liked to look at the way that her body rose and fell with every forced breath.

However the alternative was to look at the one person that couldn't breath anymore and that was even worse. Clarke had tried to take a pulse but found none.

Murphy outstretched his arm, it twitched violently as it inched towards his lover. She forced herself back onto her back and with every movement she found new places that ached and new tender flesh. She tried to sit up but she felt lightheaded and turned to the side, her face low as she wretched blood and bile from her stomach.

She had never looked so human and vulnerable and suddenly for everyone else the dead body was a better thing to focus on. Although nobody dared to go close to it besides one person.

They caught each other's eye and despite everything, they let their split and cracked lips smile. Murphy tried to speak but what came out of his mouth was a mix of rough vocal chords and blood from his lungs. Winnie chuckled softly but was met with the same sound.

"Next time -  run faster." Murphy's gravelly voice croaked out as he let his eyelids close in hope that would stop the aches that made up his body.

And then it came crashing back down to Winnie, she had fired the gun. Fear ran through her body and she searched for the one person she hoped it hadn't hit. Octavia leaned down to Winnie, "I'm okay."

"Oh my god," Winnie didn't think as she wrapped her arms around the girl and made her fall to the ground. She rested her chin on Octavia's shoulder and although no tears made it to her eyes she sobbed, "I am so sorry."

"I trust you Winnie." Octavia hoped deep down that it was the right thing to do. She knew Winnie had never planned on shooting her but Octavia had never felt as scared in her life as when that gun was trained on her heart. She let the witch go and turned to face their brother. Bellamy was a statue, he had no emotion, none whatsoever.

Murphy however crawled over to Winnie, his rage igniting every cell in his body. They hung them, they were going to kill them. He brushed some of the hair away from her face, it was matted and coated in blood mixed with dirt. It was how Winnie was meant to be; wild. But it didn't comfort John as he saw the burn mark from the noose around her neck.

Winnie squatted his hand away, like it was a mark of shame. She wondered for a second if it would scar but then she realised that was the least of her worries. Her head began to spin with the concept of her new reality and then she joined hands with John Murphy, with her anchor. The boy who had been her one constant in the last year, she held on like her he would stop her from floating into space. Winnie Scarfone didn't like being alone.

"You'll pay for this." He said looking at Winnie but everyone knew who it was directed at, "All of you."

"Get to my tent now," Bellamy took control of the situation as Finn ushered Charlotte away. She kept on looking back at Winnie, the witch could feel the eyes on her back but didn't bother to look, "You too Clarke."

"They need my help." She had never seen a person so bloodied and in need of medical attention.

"You've done enough Clarke. I confessed, are you happy now?" Winnie forced herself to a sitting position, "And let go of my friends and if you're not my friend, well," She tried to laugh but had to catch herself, it was like a knife being pulled out of her ribs with every breath, she still laughed, "I suggest you either become it or start running. Because it seems the bloody rulebook went out of the window. The witch hunts are only just getting started blondie."

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