19 | You Can't Handle The Truth

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Their night's sleep had not offered them much, their wounds still fresh and they still woke up surprised to see themselves.

"I guess I have got to get used to looking like a human punch bag then." Murphy commented, he had retrieved his own t-shirt and finished off cleaning himself.

"There's a lot of things to get used to, like an empty stomach." Winnie's stomach growled after she said that and it was accompanied by a jab of pain, like a knife was trying to break through from her insides. Internal bleeding, Winnie thought, to think, she had survived being hanged but most likely she was going to succumb to death from some weedy teenager's kick.

"Don't remind me," Murphy paused and Winnie didn't like the way he was looking at her, "You know, if you weren't so bruised, I think there would be quite a lot of good meat on you."

Winnie stopped and furrowed your eyebrow, "I cannot believe you."

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders at her in amusement, Murphy was replacing all the energy he had put into discipling the camp into teasing Winnie.

"Not even two days in and you're resorting to cannibalism. I thought you would have at least lasted forty-eight hours."

"A guy's gotta eat Winnie," He leaned in closer to her and glanced her body up and down, "And you just look so damn delicious."

"Fuck off." Winnie said grabbing his face and pushing him away as it seemed to be the only part of his body that escaped mass torture. He

"Can't blame me because it's true."

"Don't make me slap you Jonathan Murphy," Winnie threatened pointing her knife at him.

"Try me, I'm getting used to the pain." He cooed at her licking his lips.

He didn't even try to resist the sexual remarks, the texture of their lips together and the burning fire his skin had caught from hers was still fresh in his mind. It was his choice to think about that rather at their pathetic chances of survival out here. He was disappointed at the way that Winnie was able to brush off the act all together but that had always been her way since landing on the ground. She has had her fun and now she was back in reality.

"We need to go to the river, that's where Clarke found the seaweed that helped clear Jasper's infection," She stood up and felt like she should be gathering her things but she had nothing, all they owned were the clothes on their backs and the knives in their hands, "I saw her use it as a tea but we could use it as a cream and put it on the cuts."

"You're in charge boss." Murphy told her and began to stand him up, "I'll follow your lead," Except Murphy couldn't he moved himself at just slightly the wrong angle and a laceration on his hip bone reopened, he swore in the pain and felt himself go slightly lightheaded.

Winnie dove forward to help him, her hands were softer than the rocks below but nothing could be painless for Murphy anymore.

"Looks like you won't." Her voice was grave as he leaned against her. His beating had hurt more than his skin, they were cutting him to the bone and then going further.

"I'm not letting you go by yourself. No way." Murphy was stubborn, as he adjusted himself so he could stand up by himself, "Neither of us should be alone."

The words hung in the air and it was then that the truth they had been denying really hit them. They were alone. The first part of there banishment was indescribable, a look at an alternate reality where there was never a wall between them in the Sky Box. But then they felt the cold breeze against them and the distant pattering of rain falling.

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