I turn to see who it is..

"What the hell is going on here?!????!!?!!" A certain shorty says
"Gaahhhh!!!!!" Eren screams trying to get up faster, but instead falls on top of my chest face first
"GET THE HELL OFF OF HER!!!" Levi yells, I'm just laying there dead panned I can't seem to react until Levi says
" stop harassing your higher ups! I should've just given you to the military police!"
That's it I'm done!
I kick Eren off and swipe Levi off his feet
"You should never treat Someone like that, you don't know his position! You don't know how it feels to actually be the enemy and learn to cope with it!"  I yell
" damnit why are you protecting the brat?!"
"Because we all slip up and I know how he feels so shit the hell up and stop being so rude!" I yell
"I'm sorry captain I shouldn't have been here I just caused more pro-"Eren says
"Shut the hell up Yeager its your fault were arguing?" Levi yells at Eren
"Levi...you are not my body guard I can protect myself I don't need you and I never did so stop it!!!" I yell, now he looks hurt but true to act stoic
" Levi I....." I start but can't seem to find the right words
"It's fine your right if you need me il be in my office" he says then leaves
"I'm so sorry captain......." Eren says
"Never say sorry it's a sign of weakness....it's fine I'm just going to have to talk with Levi" I say then leave
-to Levi's office door-
I don't know what to say....I know I crossed the line but.....I still think I was too harsh.....
I open the door without even knocking
"You know decent people knock right?" He says not looking up from his papers
" decent people also don't treat others like trash" I say
"If you came to argue then just leave I'm busy right now" he says bluntly, I walk over to him and turn his chair to face me
"Levi we have to talk" I say
"What's there to talk about I'm sorry ok forget it" he says
"No I won't because you don't understand how Eren must feel you don't think before you talk!" I yell
"Why do you keep defending him!!???" He yells
"Because I know how he feels!!! I've lost everything too and I haven't had a pleasant past!" I yell
"I know how you feel too! I've lost basicly everyone in my life that I care about! And unlike Eren I also lived in the underground!!!" He yells getting closer to my face
"No you do not because that's not even where I li....." I stop and get back a little but he grabs my shoulders
"Stop running away from your problems y/n I see that in your eyes you have a painful past but you always push it aside, I see a scared little girl.........what really happened in your past?" He says
"You've read my files so you know" I say trying to dodge the question
"No y/n there are details that are missing....... What really happened" he asks letting go of my shoulders and I look down to the floor
"Look at me" he says and lifts my head with his fingers under my chin, I reluctantly look at his silverish blue eyes........
"Tell me" he says
"I can't" I say
"I just can't" I say we stare into each other's eyes for a while and I don't even mind it

-door bursts open-
"Lev-" a shocked Hanji stands there, we bothe look at her in the same position
"KYAAAAA!!! SOOOO CUTE!!!" She yells
I instinctively grab a hidden dart that was attached to my belt loop and toss it at here it nearly missed her head it lands above her head just about 2 centimeters away
"I'm so sorry I can't help myself!! Are you both having an affair???" Hanji teases
"No shitty glasses we were discussing important information " he says bluntly
"Oh yeah then how come your still holding her chin " she smirks
"Because she wouldn't make eye contact" he says
"Mmmhmmm lies, I just knew my ship would sail!!!!" She squeals, I then toss another dart it lands 1 centimeater from her ear
"I don't regret saying anything!" She yells about to leave but I grab her arm and twist it behind her back
"Do you know how many bones adult humans have?" I ask
"N-no" she stutter
"We have about 206 but your about to have 210" I say menecingly
"I-I'm s-sorry I won't say anything I promise!!!" She says
"Why'd you come here anyways?"Levi says
"I was looking for y/n and I checked everywhere and I doubted she would be in here but I guess I was wrong" she says but yelps in pain because I twist her arm further back
"At ease y/n she won't say anything" Levi says
"Fine" I say then release her
"I just wanted to tell you that you have to get ready for the ball now!!!" She squeals
"NOW?!?" I yell
"Yes!!!" She keeps squealing
"NEVER!!" I yell then jump out of Levis window but Levi catches my foot
"Y/n!" Levi yells
"Let me go!!!" I yell
"Hold her Levi il tie her up" Hanji says and grabs rope
"I hope you dident forget that I'm a natural fighter!!" I yell then punch Levi in the face but Hanji knocks me out

No regrets  no mercy  eren x reader X leviWhere stories live. Discover now