A new adventure

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Ethan yelled"KALAN GAVIN OWEN CARTER GET OVER HERE". "Holy what the heck is that". On the tv there was a big incident the news person says"3 bombs went off and the police have calulated a 60 minute defusion pattern as well as a building difference the bombs are going off in a order that is very complex and our prayers and prodiciction is that the next building that will go off is the BBQ restaurant and we are ontop of the case we have soliders all over and........ RING RING RING "Hello" " hey we need you guys at the BBQ restaurant ASAP""Got it".
We got geard up and drove out there was Hazop soliders all over and guys in flak jackets with riot shields and fire proof masks so we grabbed our gas masks and rushed the building we rappled up to the windows and busted them trigger was securing the primiter and Ethan grabbed his L118A sniper and planted up on a sky scraper and watched our six and we rushed at all sides i grabbed my M9 and secured all the rooms and we all had radiation detectors on out NVG mounts on our F.A.S.T helmets and we cleard all rooms but we hit a jackpot in one room we breached the doors and a guy stood there with a G36c aimed to the mayors head and a detonator in his hand we and he had gis finger on the button and slowly and the suddenly he fell to the ground he droped the detinator and i grabed my knife and cut the twist ties on the mayors hands i smiled at Ethan and Gavin disarmed the bomb and turns out it was the last bomb but the biggest it had so much nukular radiation the paramedics ran in and we talked to the leader Josiah the cheif of the medic crew  and we left and layed down

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