Step 1- find the talliband

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We drive over to the police station in Ethans brand new Lamorghini. We get there and i see the receptionist and i say "hey i need my cruiser asap". "Kk kk lol"she says"."So first we need to find the talliband"I say. "That will be hard no one foud them". Ya some one will"."Ohhhhhhhh GET ROSTED". "Wait Carter". "Hey buddies" says Carter. "Hey can you help us". "Shure". "Wait your a Cop too". "Yap". "Sweet". "Lago" Gavin says."Wait my cruiser" i say. "No its in the parking lot" the receptionist buds in. "Thank you" I say. "Ok now lago". About an hour later we find a airport and we all are wearing S.R.U gear and sleeping on each others rifles. Me and Carter are shotgun and the three of them are in the back. I hear a Crash I look behind us and it was Gavin kicking the seat. Carter says "Can you pleeeeaassseeee tell em to stop". "I cant but you can try to wake Gavin up" i say. "Ohh heck no lets just say he is not a morning person"Carter says. "Suit your self" i say. " I screem every one opens there eyes and screems there heads of me and Carter are laughing "were here" i say."OMG all of them say.

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