Step 2: Get the talliband leader

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"Ok we are here". "You guys remember the plan"i say "HA NOPE"Says Gavin"ok we walk in call it a level 10 emergency and to let us on plane 17 witch is the plane with all the guns" "GAVIN" i say, "46x4 is twenty one" Gavin says. "Omg its not even right"Carter says. "Ok il shorten things up we go into airport get on the plane and get the boom sticks". "Uhhu ok i got it stop being so complex ok". Every one chuckles. Ok we run into the airport and yell "everyone on the floor its a level 10 emergency we are the Stategic Response Unit every one slowley exit from the nearest exit get security on full force and shut down all flights out got it". "Got it" The manager says. "LETS MOVE"i say. "Plane 17 is the one"Owen says. We run on to the plane. "Guns up boys" i wisper. "3" "2" "1" "BREACH AND CLEAR"  "EVERY ONE HANDS UP STRATEGIC RESPONSE UNIT. "Did any one see a man with a gun. "YES"there leader says yells as he puls out a ak-47 and has bombs strapped to his chest"PUT YOUR GUNS DOWN OR WE ALL GO DOWN."the leader says. "One thing ARE YOU FEELING FROSTY". "Ya why,Wait". Roof trigger jumps up grabs the detinator we shoot it take the bombs off the leader
and hand cuff him "your done making crimes i say". "One thing"the leader says, "Ive got a confession,I KILLED JOHN F KENNIDY". We all gasp.

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