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I love Tyler
I love the way he sings with such passion
I love the way he looks at me
I love his soft hair
I love his morning voice
I love his late night voice
I love his dorky laugh
I love his ukulele
I love Tyler

Correction, I loved Tyler...

***Josh's POV***

You're going in for brain surgery today, I'm scared but Dr shepherd is the best which kind of puts me at ease

You haven't woken up yet, it's been almost a week and you haven't woke up

I hope you wake up soon so I can see your beautiful brown eyes and hear your dorky laugh
that you know I love


They say it's bad, you might not make it

I wonder if you can hear me, I talk to you just in case, I tell you that you needs to wake up because we're moving in together and everyone misses you, I tell you that I love you


It's been over a week now, Emmy and Patrick have been up nearly everyday, we talk and share memories about you

It's time to wake up Tyler

Your surgery went good and all we need is for you to wake up

I love you Tyler


You're in a coma, it's been 4 weeks, they don't think you're going to wake up, I'm not giving up on you, I love you


I tell you that it's okay if you don't want to stay, you can let go if you want to, I'll never stop loving you


(A/n so Tyler isn't dead he's just in a coma)

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