Thirty nine

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(A/N sorry about last chapter, I'm in a shitty mood, one of my friends/ex-boyfriend got rushed into hospital last night and I'm kinda upset over that so I'm not really in the mood to write happy :/)

***Josh's POV***

I haven't heard from Tyler since he left this morning to get groceries and I'm starting to get worried

I call his phone and he answers

'Tyler?' I say into the phone

'I'm sorry this isn't Tyler' the person on the other end said

'What, who is this?'

'I'm doctor Shepard, Tyler has been rushed into hospital, he's in critical condition'

'Oh my god' was all I could say before I broke down in tears

'He's in hospital xxxxx if you want to come in to see him'

'Okay I'll be right there' I say before hanging up the phone and running out the door

I have to run to the hospital since Tyler took the car, luckily it wasn't that far

I've never ran this fast in my life

I get there in about 15 minutes

I run up to the desk, trying to catch my breath

I tell the receptionist that I'm looking for Tyler Joseph and she points me towards a room

I rush in and look at the weak, beaten up boy lying on the bed, I walk slowly over towards him, he was connected to a lot of wires and I was crying now

I should've went with him, I could've stopped this

I sat down beside him and held his hand, how could this have happened, how could my Tyler have ended up like this

A name comes to my head and a rush of anger fills my body


I bet it was him and his punk friends that done this to Tyler, why do they do this, he hasn't done anything to them, so why, he doesn't deserve this

I sit with Tyler, in hopes that he will get up, soon

I hear someone come into the room and I lift my head off the bed, keeping Tyler's hand in mine

'Hello, I'm doctor shepherd, we talked on the phone?'

'Yeah, that was me'

'Okay, Tyler was found in a state, he had been beaten so badly that they broke four of his ribs and he may need surgery as he also hit his head'

'Oh god'

'Do you have any idea who would want to do this to Tyler?' Dr shepherd asked me

'Yeah, I do, his name is Mark Dawson, he bullies Tyler and I thought he had stopped, obviously not' I reply, disgusted

'Okay well we're going to need you to make a statement for the police whenever you're ready'

'I'm ready now'

'Are you sure?'

'Yeah, I'm sure'

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