Thirty four

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***Josh's POV***

I wake up with Tyler lying on my stomach cuddled into me, god he's so beautiful, I honestly don't know what I did to deserve him

I heard a knock at the door and as Tyler was still asleep I decided to get it

I opened the door and there stood a girl with fading dark green hair, I quickly realised this must be Emmy, Tyler's best friend who is also my best friends kinda sorta girlfriend

'Hey, you must be Emmy' I say holding my hand out for her to shake it

She shakes my hand and looks confusingly at me 'yeah, who are you?' She asks

'Oh, sorry I'm josh' I smile

'Oh my god Josh, Tyler didn't tell me you were here'

'Yeah, I kinda surprised him, anyway he's kinda sleeping right now but you're welcome to come in and wait'

'Yeah, sure' she says making her way into the living room

'He's so cute when he sleeps' I say referring to a sleeping Tyler on the couch

'Yeah, he is' Em replies
'So are you guys official yet?' She asks

'No not yet' I say smiling

We continue our conversation about Tyler when the subject of Mark comes up

'So, you know about Mark?' Em asks

'Yeah, Tyler told me a while ago' I say looking over at him sadly

'Him and his wee group of friends are just so disgusting, they think they can go around beating up Tyler every school day and no o-'

I cut her off to say 'wait, they've done this to him more than once?' I say, my face starting to heat up with anger

'Yeah' she says 'I think it's stopped since the holidays have started though'

'Well it happened again yesterday but I stopped it and decided to give them a taste of their own medicine, so I don't think they'll be bothering ty any time soon'

'That's good, you're good for him you know'

I smile and reply 'I just wanna help him be a happier person'

'He's definitely happier when he's talking about you, that's for sure' Em says smiling

'He talks about me?' I ask shocked but flattered

'All the time, it's always Josh this, Josh that, it's okay though, I like hearing him talk about things he loves'

I choke on my tea at the last word 'loves' Tyler loves me?

'Oh god that came out wrong, just ignore me please'

'It's okay' I say laughing a little

Tyler starts to wake up and notices Em sitting across from him

'Em?' He asks

'Hey Tyler' she replies happily

'I see you've met Josh' Tyler says smiling

'Yeah, he's great' she whispers, still loud enough for me to hear tho

I chuckle a bit then suggest that we go shopping, since I haven't really been anywhere since I've gotten here, not that I'm complaining

Tyler and I get dressed and Em decided she'd drive us all to the mall

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