Season 2: Part Eight: The Neighborhood Attack

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*In the Neighborhood*

Kendall: Ali, Lacey I need you two to scout out the area with Adam.

Lacey/Ali: You want me to go with her?

*Kendall and Adam look at each other with haste*

Kendall/Adam: Yes.

Lacey/Ali: Knowing full well that we don't get along?

Kendall/Adam: *Without Hesitation* Yes.

Lacey: Kendall can I speak to you for a second?

Ali: Me first.

Kendall: Okay let me settle it. The person I saw first in school will speak first. Come Lacey.

*Lacey and Kendall inside of a safe house*

Kendall: Mind telling me what the fuck is going on?

Lacey: Look I didn't mean to leave the door open.

Kendall: Don't apologize to me Lacey. Apologize to Ali.

*Outside the Safe House near the gates*

Adam: Apologize to Lacey.

Ali: Okay.

*As Lacey walks out the Door of the Safe House she sees Ali right in front of her*

Lacey: Look Ali....... I have something to say.

Ali: So do I.

Lacey: You first.

Ali: No you first.

Lacey: Okay. Look I'm sorry for not closing the door and causing the Safe Haven to be taken by the Undead.

Ali: And I'm sorry for not burying Lance properly.

Kendall: Actually........ Lance still would've gotten out. He was an Undead when I returned. But now we have a smaller issue than you two bickering.

Ali/Lacey: What exactly?

Kendall: *Looks at the Gates and walks Lacey and Ali to the Tower* Ladies first.

*On the top of the Tower, Lacey and Ali sees the horde of Undead pounding on the Gates*

Lacey: Holy shit.

Ali: What are we going to do?

Kendall: Perhaps these will come in handy?

*Kendall gives them each a Flare Gun*

Ali: What are these for?

Kendall: In case the Gates are broken down then you two can shoot a flare in the air to signify Chase, Adam, Ryan and I about danger in the Neighborhood. We'll be back. Stay safe you two.

Lacey: Come back safely. What's the task that you guys are going to?

Kendall: We got a transmission signal from one of our Military Sources about three potential survivors that you and I may know. We are going to rescue them because there was a mention of a swarm of Undead surrounding them. One of them you may already know. I believe you dated him during your Junior Year in High School?

Lacey: Cameron's alive?

Kendall: Yes but at this rate we need to save them now. Come on!

*At the Rendezvous Location*

Kendall: There they are!

Adam: *Realizes something suspicious* Kendall wait! Wait!

*Kendall gets shot in the right arm*

Kendall: Agh!

Chase: Kendall!

*Adam, Ryan and Chase starts opening fire on the men that shot Kendall*

Kendall: Ugh......... *Pulls out his knife when he sees an Undead walking towards him* This......... used to be a *Impales Undead's head with the knife* nice place.

*Man walks towards the others and Kendall*

Kendall: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Joe: My name is Joe Sanders. I am the Leader of the G-Federation.

Chase: G-Federation?

Kendall: Goods-Federation. Despite the name they are the biggest and greediest sons of bitches you'll ever run into. I don't have time for you or Boss Terry.

Joe: Boss Terry wants his due Kulesza.

Kendall: Or......... We can work something out.

Joe: *Pulls out his gun and aims it at Kendall's head* You give him the money or you die.

Kendall: Fine fine......... *Pulls out a knife from behind him and slowly walks towards Joe*

Joe: You got the money?

*Kendall and Joe get too close to each other*

Kendall: Yes I do.

*Joe has his hands out and lowers the gun long enough for Kendall to swing the knife at Joe's throat*

Kendall: Tell Boss Terry he can burn in hell. Tell Satan that I sent you.

*Kendall pulls the trigger on his gun*

Cameron: You guy's are here!

Kendall: Lacey is alive and waiting for you at the Neighborhood.

*A flare is shot in the air*

Kendall: That's our cue. Come on! Wait that doesn't look good. We need to hurry! Come on!

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