Chapter 1

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Hermione was sitting in a compartment with Ron, Harry and Ginny, it was their final year at Hogwarts which was the 8th year. Ginny had been moved up to the 8th year and Hermione was pleased, because Ginny was one of her best friends, and she was always there to talk too. It was a sunny day outside as Hermione stared out of the window, watching the world go by in a colourful blur. It was sad coming back to Hogwarts because many of their friends and professors had been killed in the war.
Hermione looked over at Harry and Ginny for a moment. They were pecking each others lips now and again, staring into each other's eyes, they were full of love and passion. She changed her glance to Ron, with his hand on his chin, looking miserable as he tried to avert his gaze from his best friend and sister kissing. Hermione laughed inside her head at Ron's obvious annoyed expression.
The compartment door suddenly opened and everyone's attention went to the young couple standing in the door.
Neville was there, grinning and holding Luna's hand, her dreamy expression never leaving her face. Luna was very beautiful, she had long blonde, wavy hair which traveled down to mid back, deep blue eyes and pale skin. She was a very slim women and had a circler face.
Neville still looked goofy, with still gaps in his teeth. He had a little bit of facial hair on him, finally. Puberty hit him late. His hair was smartly done up, and he was taller now.
"Hey guys!" Neville said chirpily as he greeted everyone in the compartment, still grinning wide, clutching Luna's hand more, Luna smiled.
"Hey Neville, Luna" Harry said, smiling back at the love birds. And he then moved his hand and gestured for them to come into the compartment. Neville obliged immediately and dragged Luna slowly to a seat. They both sat down, Neville's hand in Luna's lap as she stroked his hand carefully.
"Have you lot heard of the new program that's been going around? It seems rather weird, right?"Neville asked, smiling.
Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione all looked at each other, confused. What was this program about?
What? What program? I really should know about this, considering I usually know everything about anything.
"What program?" I asked, looking at Neville.
All of the heads in the compartment turned to me, as if to say 'you don't know anything for once?'
"Didn't you read your letter, Hermione?" Luna asked in her dreamy voice.
I tried to think back to the day I got my letter, and the contents of it. All I could remember was my book list, me getting the place as Head Girl, timetable and many other things that I needed to know about. But not this 'program'. Then I remembered the italic writing at the bottom of the letter, I must not of seen it because I was too busy showing the Weasley family my position of head girl. Oops.
"No I must have missed it...what was it about then?" I asked questioningly.
Ginny then sat upwards to tell Hermione about this new Program going around.
"Well, basically the 8th years have been set some kind of program and apparently you need to have a partner for it. I'm not entirely sure what it is about yet, but I know that you need to do it with someone. But I'm surprised you haven't heard about it, most of the 8th years have been talking about it lots." Ginny finished, ending it with a smile. Harry smiled at her again, pecking her lips, Ron sighed.
Well, I did hear a few chattering people talking about it, but it was probably just a stupid rumour going around. And even if it is true, it'd probably be for more 8th year homework. Which is fine by me, i usually have got it done in a month in advance.
"Oh, ok, thanks Gin." I replied.
A while passed and Neville , Ron and Luna struck up a conversation and Harry and Ginny were pretty occupied so I decided I'd read my book again. I've read this book a thousand times it seemed like, but it was purely for my entertainment and fun.
"Hermione! Wake up were here" I heard Harry say, giving me a little nudge on the shoulder. I fluttered my eyes open and was blinded by the sudden bright light and winced a little. I saw that the Scarlett train was now at the train station and most people were now departing the train.
"Come on Hermione! Everyone is getting off the train." Ginny said smiling at me, Neville and Luna were already gone. I sat up and grabbed my bag, placing my book back inside of it. The loud noises rang through my ears as everyone was fighting to get off of the train in a heated rush. We then left the compartment.
A couple of 1st years barged right in front of us and almost knocking us over. Finally when the crowds were gone we finally departed the train and onto the platform. Where more 1st years were.
We made our way across the platform and round to the Thestral pulled carriages. We found one and hopped on. Ron sat by me.
"So are you nervous about the mysterious program, Hermione?" He asked, smirking.
I gave him a confused expression. Eyeing him suspiciously. Did he know something I didn't?
"And why would I be nervous? It's probably just for the 8th years to tutor each other. Honestly I don't know what the whole excitement is about." I replied, coolly.
He nodded, "well, let's just say that rumours are going round, saying its a rather 'intimate' program." He smirked again and I gave him one of my stern, sharps looks.
"That's absurd. There is no way, Mcgonagall would make us do something highly inappropriate at such a young age."I stated, and it was true. It was stupid and unrealistic.
He waggled his eyebrows at me , "maybe your right? Or maybe your just purely wrong." I gave him an outraged look. Maybe he's wrong too?!
He smiled at my look and patted my leg, I huffed and didn't talk to him any longer. He gets on my nerves so much. This is why we'd never make a good couple, we'd argue 24/7.
I was pleases to see that Ron soon shut up when Ginny and Harry started kissing again. His face was priceless and I'd love to take a picture right now at his disgusted face.
We soon arrived at the castle which looked as good as new. The lights were on in almost every room in the whole castle. Ron got off of the carriage in a rather bad mood and stormed up the great hall without saying a word.
Me, Harry and Ginny both laughed at Ron's childish behaviour, and we walked into the great hall.
As we all filed in I looked up at the sky it was a crystal clear night, with the sliver stars shining brightly, the moon was a full moon and it stood out well, it was a goldish colour tonight. The candles hung from the enchanted ceiling, giving the whole hall a warm glow and looking as gorgeous as ever.
Once we were all seated we started chatting to our fellow house mates, Ron was talking to Seamus and Dean, and I was taking to Harry and Ginny.
After a while it was the sorting ceremony and the tiny 1st years came straddling into the great hall. I smiled at the thought of when that was me, Harry and Ron 7 years ago. Wow.
Mcgonagall then started to call out names.
"Scarlet Wilkinson" a small chestnut coloured, haired girl walked slowly up onto the stall where the tattered old sorting hat stood.
She sat down and Mcgonagall placed the hat in her head.
"Hufflepuff!" It roared and the Hufflepuffs shouted and cheered, clapping as well
The rest of the 1st years were started into different houses and now it was time for the long speech.
"Okay, so everyone. Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"
Mcgonagall just rambled on and on about the rules and introduced the new professors one by one. I almost fell asleep till she mentioned the 8th year program.
"Now I am sure that the 8th years are aware about a new program being held by the ministry. And I'm sure that your all curious to know what it is about, but I am afraid I cannot two you till tomorrow morning." There were groans of annoyance that spread through the the whole of the great hall. Why can't she just tell us now?
"But you won't have to wait for long, students. 8t years you'll need to come here for your first period because this may take a lot of time to sort out. "
Ginny grinned at me, happily. Obviously excited to know what it is about. I looked over at Ron and he was smirking. Maybe he was right? No no no. The ministry would certainly not make 17 year olds do something so intimate!
We the started the feast and I was rather nervous about tomorrow so I just had a few roast potatoes and some chicken. Ron was piling it all onto his plate, as usual.
"Hermione, you need to eat more, are you alright?" Ginny asked, concerned.
I nodded , "yeah, yeah I'm fine Gin. Just nervous about tomorrow." I said, smiling, she smiles back.
"Hermione it'll be fine, it won't be something bad." She said, reassuringly. I hope it isn't too bad, otherwise I'd freak out.
All food was then cleared away and we all headed back up to our common rooms after receiving the new password for the term. We all bustled into the familiar Gryffindor common room as all the fold and red tapestries were on the walls. The fire was crackle he in the fire place and the cosy sofas were all altered around the room. There were large bookshelves as well. There were two stairs, one leading to the boys dorms and one leading to the girls. I smiled at the familiar room and I was so happy to be back in it. The cosy atmosphere was making me feel really sleepy.
The new Gryffindor first years all hurried up to their dorms and organised who they wasted to share it with.
"Hey Hermione, aren't you going to check out your new room?" Ginny asked her as she was half way up the stars. Hermione just remembered as she hurried up the stairs with her.
We scanned the doors till we found an oak door, with an incrusted gold 'Head Girl' on the door. We both squealed a bit and opened it. There were a few mor flights of stairs and me and Ginny hurried up there, trying not to trip.
We got up the stairs safely and stood side wide eyed at the bedroom before me.
"Wow!" Ginny whispered stunned by her surroundings, as was I.
There was a large marbles fire place in the middle of the room, with lions carved on it; there was a large sofa in the middle of the room which ad a red and gold throw over the top of it, and with golden plump cushions. The carpet was a soft cream colour and it felt amazing. Beautiful tapestries hung from the candlelit room and there were lots of luxurious blankets in a corner.
"This-is-amazing" I said to Ginny as I traced my eyes around the beautiful room. Ginny started running to another oak door and she opened it, and I could hear her gasp.
"Wow, this bath is like a bloody swimming pool!" She said as she peaked her head through the door, I giggle a little as I walked towards the bathroom.
Her reaction was perfectly valid and justifiable. The bath was absolutely enormous and it also had twin wash basins, a shower room and a cabinet full of different shower gels and shampoos.
It felt like an extremely expensive apartment than a dorm room.
Once me and Gunny had chatted by the fire, we both decided that it was time to get some rest, so we wouldn't be exhausted in the morning. I changed into some boy short and a tank top, and put my hair up in a messy bun, then brushing my teeth so I had a nice minty breath. I climbed into my large for poster bed and pulled the large soft quilt over myself and lay my head in the plunk comfy pillows.
I lay they're for a bit, staring at the ceiling thinking, that this was my last full year of Hogwarts.. Well basically my whole childhood. And a wave of sadness washed over me before I went to sleep.
I woke up the next morning really rested and satisfied as I rolled over. I stretched a little before stepping out of bed and onto the soft cream carpet. I hummed a tune to myself whilst I walked into the bathroom and grabbed some 'Vanilla scented' shower gel and the matching shampoo and conditioner out of the cabinet. I took my hair out if a messy bun and it fell down to my back. My hair was no longer a bushy mess, it was tamed and in waves and it was a golden brown colour. I lifted my white tank top off and placed it t on the floor, along with my shorts. I stared at myself naked in the mirror. I wasn't really self conscious about my body and I was quite proud.i had an hourglass figure with long, lean legs. My skin was a caramel colour and my stomach was flat. My breasts were rather large , maybe about a C cup, and my bum was quite firm and toned too. I had dark, chocolate brown eyes and long, eyeslashes. My lips were pink and plump. I had natural beauty so I didn't always apply makeup.
I stepped in the shower and let the warm hot water drip down my body, the shower steamed up. I rubbed the vanilla scented shower gel all on my body, and then applied some shampoo and conditioner.
I finished in the shower and pulled a tower around me, the mirror was steamed up so I had to wipe it a little. I then gabbed my wand and magically dried my hair and tied it into a sleek , pony tail.
I walked into the bedroom and pulled on my white, lace panties and matching bra. My bra wasn't a push up bra, but no matter what I wore, my boobs always looked massive and I didn't really like it, I put my shirt on and it was a little too small so there was a part of it where people could see my bra. Great.
I then slipped on my black opaque tights and then pulled on my checkered school skirt that was quite short. ERGH I should've got some new ones.
I slipped on some flat lace ups and gases at myself in the wooden oak mirror in my bedroom. I then applied some mascara on my lashes and then some pink , lipgloss or my plump lips. I grabbed my bag and checked that I had everything in it, and that ,I did. I swung my bag over me and walked out of the door and down to the common room. I saw Harry there who was talking too a 1st year girl who was asking where to for her first period.
"What have you got?" Harry asked the girl, I smiled at his compassion. I walked over to him and past down opposite.
He smiles and me and the girl was Scarlet with the chestnut coloured hair.
"I have herbology." She replied, her voice was so soft, a bit like Luna's.
"Ah okay. That's in the green houses, I think this kid would be abled to take you." Harry said nodding to a rather handsome looking guy. I had never seen him before, I think he is a 5th year. Since when do 5th years look that handsome?
The boy had messy brown hair pushed back, and deep green eyes, he stared at Harry. And then towards me. I blushed a little. ERGH I need to snap out of it. Hormones.
"Mate, if you don't mind, please can you take Scarlet to Herbology. And don't forget." Harry said, the boy nodded. He spoke, and his voice sounded so, husky and sexy. No no no no. Hermione stop!
"K. I won't forget Harry." He nodded and looked at me up and down before winking. Oh god, not another Theodore Nott. Theo Nott was a total man slag. The thought of him made her sick.
"So, how'd you sleep?" Harry asked me.
"Amazing. How about you?" I asked him back.
"Have you seen Ginny?" I questioned
"No, I'm just waiting for Ron, me and Ginny said we'd have a friend day today."
"Good idea Harry. Ron would just be complaining all the time." I said and we both laughed.
Ginny then came down the stairs in bed uniform.
"Ginny!" I said, standing up.
"Heyyyy." She said as she walked towards Harry and gave him a peck on the lips.
"I thought you too were having a friend day?" I teased
"Oh..yeah." Harry said, then we laughed.
Me and Ginny decided to go down to the great hall.
"So , how is the perks of being head girl?"
"Great. Loving life right now." I replied, smiling.
And then I suddenly remembered about the program. Oh god. Suddenly a wave of anxiety washed over me and I sighed.
"Hermione?" Ginny asked , and I realised I stopped walking.
I looked towards her and nodded , "okay, I'm fine."
She nodded too.
We finally got to the great hall and entered, I could smell the food from all the tables and I suddenly felt hungry. Me and Ginny walked over to the Gryffindor table and resumed our usual places. Ron had piled lots on and he was there before us, he was probably on seconds.
"Got enough there Ron?" I joked as I sat down.
He grinned a bit, with food in his mouth.
"Ron, I don't want to see that mess in your mouth, thanks." I addressed
He ignored and carried on eating.
I put two pieces of toast on my plate and spread some butter on them, Ginny did the same.
"Are you nervous about the program 'Mione?" Ginny questioned.
I was about to answer and the. Harry came and sat down, looking annoyed at Ron, Ron turned to him.
"Ron I was waiting or you! Since when did you leave?" Harry complained
"Sorry , I left when you were talking to that 1st year." Ron admitted.
Harry nodded "okay, tell me next time.." He said placing some bacon and eggs on his plate.
I didn't bother answering Ginny's question.
We ate all pour food and then Mcgonagall walked up to the gold incrusted owl podium and tapped at her glass.
Everyone's attention turned to her.
"Could everyone please leave the Hall apart from the 8th years, please?" She said sternly and everyone left their house tables and went to first period.
Once everyone left the hall, Mcgonagall cleaned up the tables with her hands.
"Now, could you all move closer, to me?" She said, and we all stumbled across to the front of the room and sat down. My heart started beats more now, a lump formed in my throat. I hope this isn't serious. But it probably would be, as It was put in by the ministry.
"Well, you may know this because I told you last night, but this program is I forced by the Ministry, and is to be carried out every year by the 8th years.this program is basically too make the wizarding population go up."
Everyone started chatting amongst themselves, I looked over at Harry for a moment and he looked over at me, what could she possibly mean? I was begin to feel even more nervous now, and then I remembered what Ron said, what if he was right?
"Everyone please quiet down!" Mcgonagall shouted. The hall soon did quiet down.
"What I'm about to tell you all isn't easy. Hogwarts has done all they could to avoided this, but this is unavoidable. Before I tell you all, I'd just like to say we have tried to make this situation as bearable as possible for I forewarn all of you it will affect the female students the most."
The lump in my throat got bigger, and I could see the sorry on all the other girls' faces in the hall, they were all filled with worry, like mine. And including Ginny.
"Each if you has been given a partner from Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff and that partnership will consist of a male and a female. The female member of each partnership will be expected to produce a child, by um...conventional means"
I felt the lump in my throat, and be replaced by my heart. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't focus and I couldn't think of anything else but what was going through my head. My head felt like it weighed a thousand tons as it began to process what had just been said, my plans were sweating profusely.
At the sound of bathe sudden uproar from all the other students erupting from everyone , I turned to Ginny, to see that she had the exactly the same expression on her face that I imagined was on mine.
"All of you be quiet now! Thankyou. Your partners have been chosen based on optimum genetic potential."
Every me looked around the room, totally and utterly confused by what Professor Mcgonagall just said.
"For example, we would pair the two most intelligent students together to produce offspring of the highest intellectual standard and so on, and so forth many other contributing factors being taken into account"
What! We didn't even get a say in who our partners was? That's absolutely absurd they couldn't be serious. What if I get paired with someone I'd never even met? Everyone started protesting a bunch of angry and hormonal teens wasn't the best combination. I couldn't find my voice to protest verbally, the roars and shouts just going in one ear and out the other. I just couldn't take it in; I couldn't have sex with someone unbeknownst to me and the have their child. This was all so wrong, this year was supposed to be a great year and now, it has been turned into a nightmare that I didn't think I was going to wake up from.
"I realise this isn't easy and I assure you that no marriage law will take place. Now, I won't prolong this so I will begin informing you of your partnerships and then you and your
partner will have your own apartment, but you are not required to spend all your time there, a minimum of 2 nights a week."
My stomach was twisting into a painful and uncomfortable knots as I contemplated sharing a apartment with someone , and more. Why was this happening to me? My palms were sweaty and my fingers kept knitting together as I twisted in my lap.
I looked around and I could see how uncomfortable everyone was and how awkward professor Mcgonagall was.
"Now you before the end of this week due to ministry protocols."
I wasn't ready to sleep with someone, know matter who it is.
"Professor, surely-" i started
She cut me off with a stern wave of her hand.
"I am sorry Miss.Granger but there is no explanation or manipulation in the ministry's scheme, believe me; myself and the rest of the teachers here at Hogwarts have tried to find away around this."
I sunk back at her words as they penetrated my mind. I felt suddenly ill.
"Now, I will take groups of ten behind that booth and inform you of your partner."
She called several people people and lead them behind a plain, white booth that's stood in the corner of the room with a now forbidding demeanour.
"Hermione!...Hermione!" I was pulled out of shock by Ginny's shaken voice.
"Are you alright? Your as pale as ghost" Ginny asked, concerned.
No wonder I was as pale as ghost. My life has been changed in the course of 10 minutes.
I shook my head, "no. No Ginny I can't do this. This is all way too much." I gasped
"I know Hermione. But everything will be alright, you just need to calm down. You'll probably be put with a sweet and caring smart dude." Ginny said, reassuringly, as her lips curbed into a sympathetic smile as she rubbed my arm affectionately.
I know she as trying to help, but this still didn't change the fact that I had to have sex with this person, and have their child! I was still a virgin as well. And I wanted to loose it someone I loved.
"Yes, but even if it is a smart and sweet guys , I'm still not ready to have sex, and have their child. I'm not ready." I whispered.
Ginny nodded, "I know 'Mione, I know you're not ready for this like every other normal person in here, but everything will be ok"
I wanted to ask her why it would be okay, but I realised she was probably using this excuse for her too, so I decided to leave it.
"Dean Thomas, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy, Lavender Brown, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley , Hermione Granger , Theodore Nott and Parvati Patil.
My breathing almost stopped completely as I heard my name being called out with the rest, I closed my eyes tightly opened them again.
Ginny pulled my arm gently and I got up from my seat. And walked behind the booth, with the rest of the nervous people.
The rest of the people were all standing nervously in the White booth. But there were three boys in particular that didn't show any emotion at all. They were the three Slytherins.
Blaise Zabini, a dark skinned guy who is handsome to some people , thin lips which were a mocha colour and broad muscles from quidditch. Then there was the one and only Theodore Nott, who was a total Man whore, but totally sexy, and even though I hate to admit it. He had messy brown hair and emerald green eyes, he also had a tiny mole on his jaw line. He was skinnier than Blaise but did have some muscle definition. The there was Draco Malfoy. The one I hated out of all three, the ferret , selfish arrogant little asshole. He had platinum blonde hair, broad shoulders, not as broad as Blaise's. His hair was mainly a mess at the moment and he had deep ice cold grey eyes. Those eyes , you could be hypnotised by those eyes. I swear if I'm our with him, I think I'd rage.
The room was a small room, there wasn't much in it apart from a filing cabinet and a table with lots of papers on there, which looked like application forms.
"Okay, I am just going to pair you off and then you both have to sign these forms and you will be lead up to your apartments..Oh and then compulsory pregnancy checkup at the end of this week"
Oh merlin this was it, the moment my future was about to be signed away and it was going to be signed away by either Dean Thomas, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Harry, Ron , or Draco Malfoy.!
"Okay, Dean, you are paired with Luna Lovegood."
I saw the look on Luna's face, it was sadness, that she was not with Neville, her boyfriend. I felt so sorry for the poor thing.
"Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter."
They both smiled at eachother, Ginny looked Happy and she gave me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back. At least it was okay for Ginny.
And I saw Harry clutch Ginnys hand as they left.
"Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson."
I saw the look if disappointment in Pansy's face , probably because she wasn't with Draco. Blaise looked like he was about to kill himself.
Theo and Draco both laughed at him and I turned to them, I locked eyes with ice cold granite ones as he glared at me, arms folded. I glared back, turning my head away from him.
Ron looked at me and smiled; I felt my insides shrivel at the thought of sleeping with him.
"Ron Weasley and Lavender Brown."
Ron's face sank as he turned a rather u healthy shade of white as he stepped forwards. Lavender on the other hand was more satisfied than ever. Suddenly I felt sick, I could either be paired with Theo Nott or Draco Malfoy. As much as I dislike Theo I'd rather it be him. At least he doesn't call me names.
"Theodore Nott and Parvati Patil"
I felt sick, I felt really really sick. There was no way they would be pair me with Draco Malfoy. They knew about our history. My heart started beating faster than ever, as tears started swelling up my eyes. I wanted to curl up in a ball and forget about this. I heard the pen being scratched on the paper as Theo and Parvati signed their futures away. I wanted this to be a dream, just a bad nightmare. But it wasn't, it was reality, and there was nothing I could do anymore.
I heard Theo and Parvati walk out of the booth. This was it.
"Finally, Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger."
Mcgonagall looked at me sympathetically as she knew this would affect me, and it did, a lot.
I tried desperately. And the I turned to Malfoy, his eyes were dark and cold, he looked shocked, but didn't want to protest as he knew he couldn't. But all in all, he didn't look as shocked a I did, or scared.
"I'm sorry Miss.Granger. I know this is a fragile situation but these pairings have been signed off by the ministry and they are all last alteration."
My world felt like it crashed down below me. This was it. My life was completely over and there was no way of changing it back anymore. I was going to loose my virginty to Draco Malfoy in a matter of days.

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