Blue Eyes

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Tamaki Souh walked into music room 3 and sat down in his usual seat quietly. Though he didn't make a sound, everyone's attention was now on him. "S-senpai?" Haruhi asked with wide brown eyes. Tamaki looked over at her and smiled, "Hmm?"

This was strange behavior for the king of the host club, so Kyoya walked up to him, his black death note in hand. "Tamaki, are you alright?" He asked, concern dripping from his words. The blonde gave a nod, "Of course, just thinking."

"About what, boss?" Two identical voices called from behind him, and Tamaki turned to see the two auburn haired twins. "Nn, it's a secret," he replyed, fiddling with his jacket hem. While he was looking down, everyone's eyes moved, landing to the door. "Excuse me, but the host club is closed," Kyoya said, and Tamaki looked up to see the door cracked, and blue eyes peering in, staring at him. "N-no! Leave!" Tamaki called out, jumping up from his seat, and the door slowly closed. Everything was quiet for a moment, then soft footsteps leading away echoed through the room. Again, everyone looked over at the leader of the hosts. "You knew her, Tama-chan?" A shorter, yet older blonde asked from were he purched on the shoulders of a tall boy with black hair. "N-no! Never have I seen her in my life!" He called out defensively, looking away from everyone. Everyone dropped the subject, and went on with their day. But Tamaki never seemed to go back to his cheerful self, he always seemed to be quiet, thinking about something with much thought.

Once everything was over; school and clubs, everyone surrounded the blonde. "Senpai, tell us what is going on," Haruhi ordered, crossing her arms over her chest. The blonde hesitated, looking from one face to the other, before letting out a sigh of defeat. "That girl from before, I did know her," he began, looking down.

"Then, who is she?" Hikaru asked, but of course Haruhi was the only one who knew it was him and not Kaoru.


Everyone leaned forward expectingly.

"My sister..."


Sorry this chapter is short, most of the other chapters will be at least 1,000 words, I promise.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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