"I'm ready", I said with a soft voice as he stood up and threw his food into the trash can without sparing me a glance.

I turned off the tv and followed him to the kitchen. I stood in front of him but he tried to walk away from me

"Jungkook, look at me", I held his wrist as he only stood there motionlessly.

"I'm sorry. I should've thrown it away, it's just so hard. I hope you understand", I hugged his mascular body tightly and he finally gave in and hugged me back

"I understand, I was selfish too", he stroked my hair gently before letting go

"Shall we go now?", he grinned widely as he grabbed my luggage and opened the door.

"Leggo!", I cheerfully chanted as he chuckled

"Jeon Jungkook", he turned around and I leaned forward to kiss him. His eyes widen for a sec before closing it.

I have to admit that Jungkook is a really good kisser, but how come I felt nothing but physical? The kiss didn't make my heart all warm and fuzzy.

• Hyungwon's pov •

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• Hyungwon's pov •

I was looking through the pictures on my phone, old pictures to be exact. I cringed at myself as to why I still keep our pictures together.

"I miss you", I said under my breath as pictures of her shameless selfies showed up.

What are you doing now, Aira? Are you well? This kind of questions run through my mind everyday.

"Wonnie-ah", I gagged at the voice and I reluctantly looked up

"What the hell are you doing at the airport?", I snickered as she giggled and sat down.

"To follow you of course! I won't let you do the boring meeting alone", she reached out to my coffee cup but I moved it further from her reach.

"I'd rather do the boring meeting alone, at least I don't have to see your face and don't touch my drink", I rolled my eyes as she kept her jolly attitude

"Again with the cold attitude, this is why I like you Wonnie"

"Can't you just go home? You don't even have ticket", I crossed my finger she doesn't have one

But she waved the ticket at me as I groaned loudly

"Whatever, we're sitting separately", I got up from the seat and headed to the boarding area. Yoora called after me but I just ignore her

Mission 2: Marry Chae Hyungwon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now