I pushed through the crowd and found Harry standing with Liam.

"What did she want?" Harry turned to me.

"I don't know. She ran off out of nowhere." I shrugged.

"Weird." Liam drank down his champagne and walked to the dance floor with his date.

It's been about an hour and a half since we arrived.

Harry and I were chatting and laughing when "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri started playing. It's one of our favorites. I looked up at Harry but he was already looking at me. He was smiling and stuck his hand out."May I have this dance?" I smiled and took his hand. I wrapped my arms around his neck once we stepped on the dance floor and looked into his eyes.

"I can't tell if you're looking at me or behind me. The masks on everyone are trippy." Harry laughed and I chuckled.

Throughout the entire song, we danced around. I kind of suck at slow dancing and Harry made sure to point it out. "Dance on the floor not my shoes." He would say.

When the song finally came to an end, Harry lead me to the stairs in the main hall. It was much quieter outside of the dance hall. We sat down on the staircase when he said, "You know Stacey likes you, right?"

"What? No she doesn't." I took the mask off and looked into his eyes."Harry, stop being so worried about her."

"Maybe I'm wrong or maybe I'm right."

"Come on. This is ridiculous-"

"Hey, sorry for interrupting but may I take you're buddy here for a sec?" Stacey smiled. "I didn't really get to tell him what I wanted to."

"He's not my-"

"Sure. I'll be back, Harry." I looked at Harry. I handed him my mask and walked off, following her outside. He obviously looked irritated.

"Look, Louis. I've known you for about a year now and I wanted to get something off my chest." She took a deep breath in. "I like you. I always have. And-"

"Stacey I have-" I was cut off by Stacey leaning in and kissing me. I was shocked and caught off guard at first but pushed her off once I realized what had happened. "Stacey-" I looked behind her and saw Harry standing there. Fuck.

"I fucking knew it. Nothing to worry about, huh? Yeah right." Harry spat as he squeezed my mask, dropping the broken plastic.

"Harry! It's not-"

"I-I can't believe you." Harry's face started to fill with emotion. A tear escaped his eye. "I warned you and you didn't believe me." He began rapidly walking off.

"Harry!" I ran in front of him placing my hand on his chest. "She kissed me out of nowhere! I swear. I thought she was going to tell me something!"

"Bullshit! You stood there as she kissed you. I can't believe this shit." He stood there staring at me. "Don't worry about her. Don't worry. Bullshit." Harry gave me a twisted, yet saddening expression.

I didn't know how to reply.

"Mhm yeah. Silent." His eyes began to water again and so were mine. "Why are you crying? You don't get to cry, Lou ... Louis. I don't know what I saw but I do know that I gotta get out of here." He swung the car door open and drove off.

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