"That son of a bitch " I said (sorry Abby love ya)

"What's wrong " Jackson asked

''my best friend just being a bitch''

''oh . what did she do ''

''nothing'' i said. i laid my head on his shoulder and went on musically I came across duhitmark new musically and he did all that matters by Justin Bieber and mark did the fuck boy move (other wise known as grinding ) I hit the audio and started counting how many times guys do the fuck boy move

"Why are you counting on your hands ?" Jackson asked

"I'm counting how many times guys do the fuck boy move "

"How many times have you counted ?"

"Eleven" . I stopped and went to Spotify and played my playlist . Force of nature by bea Miller came on .

Oh but it's to late now I let you get to close

I know I should take cover hide inside these for wall but baby I surrender it all

Cause you're a force of nature look at what you've done I can taste the danger but I don't wanna run so pull me to the ground and I won't but up a fight Jackson sang

"Hey Jackson "


"I'm sorry for calling you to come get me . I know that you had to take a long flight and all , but you don't know how much you mean to me . And I'm so stressed out and scared right now and I just don't know how to feel right now "

"What do you mean?"

"Like I'm pretty sure I'm adopted "

"How do you know ?"

"I don't bu-"

"So you don't know ?"

"Jackson shut the hell up and let me talk please ?"

"Fine "

"Ok so if Shawn really loved me he would call me or something . He is SO protective over Aaliyah like he barely lets her go anywhere . But with me he doesn't care . I could become a stripper and he wouldn't care ."

"Please tell me you aren't going to become a stripper "

"I'm not going to become a stripper , Jackson "

"Ok . Continue "

"But like he doesn't care what I do and I understand that I'm older then Aaliyah but still . I really think that I'm adopted "

"Why do you day that ? You and Shawn look almost identical . "

"No we don't . He's like 10'3 and I'm pushing 5'5 . He cant dance to save his life and I was in a dance team until I was 12 and then I was in gymnastics . He can sing perfectly and I sound like a dying hyena . "

"Ok so just a few things "

"And he has like the prettiest dark brown eyes and mine are kinda hazel and green . And Aaliyah and him both have lazy eyes . So does mom . They are skinny and im the opposite " I said looking down at the floor between us

"Hey hey your not fat you're beautiful " Jackson said lifting my chin up so I had to look in his eyes

"Thanks Jackson " I said

"I mean it . " he said . I looked down and blushed . "So you don't look or sound like your siblings doesn't mean you're adopted . "

"What ever you say . But when we get out of this hell whole I'm calling mom " I said .

"How long have we been in here ?" Jackson asked

"About 45 minutes " . I said . I was wondering what song was playing so I unlocked my phone (which is Jackson's birthday ) and found out that it was low life by poppy .

~~~~15 minutes later ~~~~

The elevator lights turned on and the elevator started to move . Jackson stood up .

"Aren't you gonna get up ?" Jackson asked .

"I told you elevators make me dizzy " I said. I waited until the elevator stopped and I knew that we were in the bottom floor . I stood up and followed Jackson out of the elevator . I immediately called mom

"Hello?" Mom asked from the other side .......of the phone (a/n it's a inside joke me and Abby have )

"Mom I need to ask you a question "

"Ok . Is it good or bad ?"

"Um good I think ?" I said

"Ok . Go ahead "

"Am I adopted ?"

"Why would you say that ?"

"Because I look nothing like Shawn or Aaliyah "

"Hannah you know we love you . And I wanted to tell you but manny wouldn't let me . "

"So I am ?"

"Yes . I did want to tell you ,honey "

"Ok well mom I hope you know that I'm not coming back to Canada and Bart kicked me off of magcon because I wasn't bringing in enough money ."

"Where are you going ? Is anybody with you ? Is Shawn with you ? He better be with you . Are you ok ?"

"I'm fine but I'm going o Wisconsin with a friend of mine and Shawn isn't with me . The guys told me I had a option to go back to Canada or go to Wisconsin. I got mad and I went walking off . When I can back the bus was gone and I called Shane and Abby and Abby answered . She thought I was still in the bus . Apparently I'm not welcome anymore . " I said Jackson and I are still in the lobby but we are sitting down in the chairs

"When Shawn gets back I'm gonn-"

"Mom it's fine . I gotta go . Bye " i hung up the phone and looked at Jackson with tears in my eyes I tried blinking them back but I didn't do a very good job

"Hey . Hey please don't cry . I know that I just met you but you have a special place in my heart and it hurts me when you cry . " Jackson said hugging me

"I'm sorry " I said

"There is nothing to be sorry about ,princess "

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