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Embry’s POV

“Did you hear?” asked Ernie McMillan, who had just busted into my compartment, which I had been alone in and enjoying it as well.

“Did I hear what?” I asked, setting my book down. I was already getting annoyed by him, which wasn’t out of the ordinary. I was always annoyed by him, either that or angry with him.

He smiled and took the open seat next to me. “We’re going to be hosting to two other schools. Why do you think that is?” he asked, definitely excited.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, and I really don’t care. Would you just please leave? I was rather enjoying my book. It’s all about dark magic, the history and what to expect from them. I believe that it’ll come in handy, don’t you think?” I asked, trying to get him to leave.

He nodded. “Yeah, sure. You know that Cedric is looking for you?”

I laughed. “Why would he be looking for me? He has no use for me right now. Classes haven’t started, so I can’t help him BS his way through an essay right now. What does he want?” I asked, my tone suddenly changing from amused to worry.

“He wants to talk to you, although I bet it’s about the schedule of when you can help him this year,” he said, rising.

“We don’t know our schedules until tomorrow when Professor Sprout hands them out. You know that Ernie,” I said, picking my book back up. “That couldn’t possibly be the reason. Unless, you’re just making this whole thing up?”

He shook his head. “I’m not. Cedric really is looking for you.”

He left and I sunk back into the seat. Who cared if Cedric was looking for me? The most popular Hufflepuff was not going to get what he wanted this time. I was going to make sure of that, but alas, he ended up getting it anyway. He found me at the Hufflepuff table and took the seat next to me.

“Embry, there you are. I’ve been looking for you,” he smiled as Ernie took the seat across from me.

“I found her and told her, but she didn’t care,” Ernie pointed out.

I rolled my eyes at Ernie. “So, Ced, what did you need?” I asked, setting my book down.

“Our group was short one person, and that was you, Em. You know you’re part of our group right? Along with Ernie, Hannah, Sara, Brendon, Shelby, Mark, and Denny? You do remember your friends, right?”

I looked at him oddly. Friends? Last year I was just the group tutor, and now we’re friends? That just didn’t make since, but I couldn’t point that out. Dumbledore had already started the little ceremony in which Dormstrang and Beaubatoux were welcomed to the school. I just put my nose in my book and ignored everything, wishing I was in my dorm all by my lonesome.

“I hope some of them come and sit over here,” Cedric said, looking all around.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. “They’re not going to. We’re Hufflepuff, practically forgotten. You know that. Besides, I bet Dormstrang sits with Slytherin, and Beaubatoux sits with either with Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.”

“My money is on the Ravenclaws,” Ernie said, but nobody paid any attention to him.

We all watched as the girls sat at the Ravenclaw table and the guys sat at the Slytherin table. I smirked in triumph as Cedric looked at me with his mouth down. I shrugged it off after a few moments and went back to my book.

“Man, the food just keeps getting better and better,” Ernie said, his eyes as big as dinner plates.

I laughed at him before eating some of the food as well. I had to admit, as much as I hated being with people, I rather enjoyed Ernie’s company. I know I said that he annoys me, and he does, but he’s my only true friend. He’s been there whenever I needed him since the first year when we met. He’s truly a Hufflepuff at heart.

“What?” Ernie asked as he noticed I was looking at him. “Do I have something on my face?” he reached up to touch his nose, but I shook my head before he could.

“I was just thinking of how great of a guy you are is all. I wouldn’t be where I am without you, Ernie. You truly are special to me, just remember that,” I smiled before looking down at my plate. It took a lot to say what I did. I don’t do that every day.

“Thanks, Em. Same to you except exchange the guy part for a girl,” he laughed and I did as well.

I could tell that this year was going to be interesting, especially since the other schools were there for some tournament. I wasn’t allowed to enter, but it was still going to be interesting. I could feel it in my bones – and in my hand since Ernie had placed his over mine. I think he got the entirely wrong idea, so not to misguide him, I pulled my hand away and started a conversation with Cedric and feeling just awful about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2012 ⏰

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