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So, each chapter will be from a different POV, Caroline, Raeanne, Piper then Embry :D (Raeanne and Embry are InLuvWithRonWeasly's)

Again, I don't own Harry Potter, Raeanne, Embry or Ebony :D


Caroline's POV

"Be careful, don't get hurt, and please, please don't get caught up in Fred and George's pranks." My mother patted my cheek fondly, and gave a shaky smile.

I smiled slightly, "Stop fussing, Mum. I'll be fine, and I'll try my best,"

And of course, Mum's relaxed state was ruined as Fred and George appeared behind me.

"No promises there-" Fred began.

"-trouble finds us-" George chirped.

"-and Caroline just-"

"Happens to be there," They finished in unison.

I spun  around, "Not helping!" I hissed. Fred and George shrugged. "We're telling the truth," They said in innocently. I turned back to my mother "I was only trying to stop them," I reassured her, thinking back to last year's disaster.

She nodded, her hazel eyes filled with worry as always. "OK, Cara. I love you." She smoothed down my hair, and smiled tightly.

I grinned, "I love you too, Mum," I gave her one last hug before turning to the twins "Let's go," I grinned, "I get a seat by the window!" Fred cried, grinning at me.

I huffed as we reached the train, "Fine, but when you next get squished by over excited first years, think of me." George ruffled my hair, "Sure thing,"

"Wait!" A voice screeched.

The three of us turned, and came face to face with my mother who was flapping her hands about. "Yes?" We all asked. She glanced at me then the twins. "Fred, George, You'll look after Caroline, won't you?" she asked seriously.

They grinned. "Of course we will, what would we do without our Care Bear?" They replied, yet again, in unison. I frowned, then blushed slightly at their nickname for me.

Mum nodded, "Take care, all of you" I nodded. "Bye mum" I said, before boarding the train, Fred and George following closely after waving to their mother.

We soon found a empty compartment and sat in it, hopefully we'd only have a few visitors.

"So, Sweet Caroline what did you get up to this summer?" George asked. I smiled. "Not much. Mum was working a lot so I babysat my Cousin, Dana, for my Uncle while he went on a work trip. Mum helped me when she could," I sighed sadly thinking of my stressed mother.

"So you had a boring summer?" Fred asked, I nodded. "Yes"

They shared a look and then grinned. "Well this year at Hogwarts will be fun,"

I sighed. "Please don't do anything stupid." I replied, enven though I knew I'd get sucked in somehow. Their grins grew "Who do you think you're you talking to? We wont do anything stupid," Fred replied. No you'll do something completely and utterly troubleworthy.

I sank back in my seat and tried to blank out their conversation, knowing that they were talking about their plans.

After ten minutes or so there was a brief silence. "So what did you two do this summer?" I asked.

"Blew things up," George said.

"Annoyed people,"Fred grinned

"Planned things,"

"Scared Ron,"

"Scarred Ron,"

I smiled. "Sounds fun," I replied. "Not the scaring/scarring Ron bit though. I wouldn't want to anger your mother."

Fred and George grimaced. "Ah, yes, the wrath of an angered mother,"

I laughed, and rested my head against the wall. "How's Ginny?" I asked. "Firey as always," George grinned.

We passed the time talking about the products Fred and George had whipped up during the holiday's. I must admit, I was very impressed.

Fred and George were having a loud conversation with Lee Jordan, who'd joined us a few minutes ago, when there was a quiet knock on the door. None of the boys looked up, so I stood, and slowly opened the door, preparing myself to shoo away curious first years.

Instead of first years, I found Ebony Castle, Fred and George's friend from their year. I smiled, "Hey, Ebony." I greeted.

Ebony grinned, "Hey, Care. Can I come in?" she asked politely. I nodded and opened to door to let her enter.

As we sat down Fred and George looked up and grinned as they saw their friend, though I'm sure I saw George blush slightly.

"How are you all?" Ebony asked from beside me. I glanced at the older girl. "Fine," I replied. "Great!" Fred, George and Lee replied.  Ebony nodded. "Good. Well I just came to say that we're almost there so you all should change." Ebony said.

Ah, I forgot about that. I jumped up, "Thanks Eb, I forgot, I'll be back in a second" I said, before leaving the compartment.

I changed quickly, and hurried back to to compartment, as not to get lost... again. When I arrived I saw Fred, George and Lee had already changed and the train was slowing down.

I opened the door again, "Ready?" I asked. Fred, George, Lee and Ebony nodded and stood. The train came to a stop as everyone started leaving their compartments. Fred, Lee and I walked ahead as George walked behind with Ebony.

I barely heard George ask if Ebony would sit in the same carriage as us, then I faintly heard her agree. Me and Fred shared a knowing look as we stepped of the train.

"Two months," Fred whispered to Lee and I.

"Three," Lee bet.

I huffed, "Six months, they're both too chicken."

Fred grinned, "But of course, Sweet Caroline, that's why we're going to help,"


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