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Haru sat down in his AP Water Studies Class. A huge test was tomorrow and he knew "Extensive studying was required". Haru was the king of water, how could he fail an AP test on it.

The teacher pulled up Kahoot and so did Haru. he was so pumped FOR THIS. 

Once the first question was up Haru slammed on the Blue. 

haru was wrong

2nd Question- 

Haru slammed blue again 

Haru was wrong

Question 3-68, Haru slammed blue and was wrong. 

Question 69

"of course this will be red i mean come on the teacher is a pRANKSTWER FHIoSFukhFukhASO F!!!!!"

the answer was blue


Thats me spamming my keyboard cause this is funny. 

its AP water studies of course there will be 69 questions. 


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