Nagisa finds out about dank memes

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Nagisa, like always was bored in class. He litterly did not care about English Writers. instead he was on his phone. 

Nagisa thought stock photos were hilarious, and being the person he is, he searched "Stock Photo Funny" on Google. 

He saw these stock photos with text above them. He thought they were hilarious. Therfore he clicked the link the pictures assosicated with the picture. it was

Nagisa looked at all the memes on the website. THey WEre HILARIOUS. 
Nagisa then looked up dank memes on every piece of social media. He was hooked on the dank.

Later that day at swim practice, he refused to swim, but instead screamed "INHALE THE MEMES, EXHALE the memeS, INJECT THE MEMES InTO MY BLOODSTREAM!!!! TEHRE ARE GOOD MEMES THERE ARE BAD MEMES WHY HAS GOD ABANDONED US!?!?1?!!?1"

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