chapter 14

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'LOUIS GET OFF ME!' Julia's shrill voice echoed through the room, and niall and i giggled at eachother while he pulled me a bit closer into his body. we had no idea what the rest of the 'gang' were up to, but it seemed as if Louis was just being his usually irritating self.

Niall and i were cuddled together on his bed. his suitcase lay abandoned next to the bed, clothes thrown everywhere. this big mess only occured because niall simply didnt feel like packing.

this was the last day. our last day. the last day before the boys were off to another city. tomorrow, at the inhumanely time of 6 in the morning, they'd be leaving in their big cars, back to the real celebrity world.

tonight would be the last chance to see my boyfriend for awhile. that is, if he still wants to be my boyfriend.

somewhere deep inside i still hadnt gotten over Kim's words, saying that i didnt deserve him. i still kind of believed her. this handsome irish boy, a celeb to be precise, i didnt deserve him and he could do so much better.

i have probably had this idea in the back of my mind since the day i met him. he'd be off to another city, another girl to furfill the media's need of taking pictures and writing bullshit stories.. and i'd be left here, with a broken heart.

i pushed myself harder against him, burrying my face in his sweater. my tears were silently, while i tried to sniff up his heavenly scent, trying to imprint it in my mind.

i didnt wanna talk about it, i didnt wanna alarm him. but apparently im not that good at hiding. he pulled his arms around my waist, sqeeuzing softly. he pulled me up a bit and rested his forehead against mine. his minty breath fanned over my cheeks and it took everything inside me not to jump up and attack him with kisses.

' whats wrong?' he softly asked, his hands drawing endless, soothing patterns on my back. i sniffled again, keeping my eyes closed.  

'Amber, please baby talk to me. ' 

he nudged me softly, and then his arms were off me. an unsatisfied whimper left my mouth, instantly missing his warmth around me.

slowly i opened my eyes and sat up. i didnt see anything, i couldnt focus. not on the crème coloured walls, not on the wrappers and other garbage on the ground, not on his supra's that were messily thrown next to the bed. all i could see was some hazy colourals, because of my tear-stained vision.

'please?' he pressured, pulling me on his lap, his arms back around me. i sighed softly. 'im just gonna miss you so so much.' i confessed, putting my arms around him, hugging him tight while i burried my face in his neck.

it wasnt the entire truth, but it was a truth. ofcourse i would miss him, no doubt, but i just wasnt ready for the 'break-up speech' which i was expecting soon.

niall pulled away from me, shuffling backwards on the bed until he was sat against the headboard, so he could look at me. "I'll miss you too love, but i'll be back with you in no time."

i smiled through my tears, while nialls soft hands brushed them from my face. he then proceeded in brushing a piece of hair , which had fallen from my messy bun, behind my ear. his eyes stayed locked on mine the entire time. 

this is it. the end of all our fun. i was never gonna see him again. tears were streaming down my face while i stared into nothing with my arms crosses over eachother.

i was standing on the hotel steps,  watching the guys say goodbye to Julia. she was in the same condition as me, tears down her face while she sniffed continiously.

Louis was the last one to say goodbye to her. he grabbed her and pulled her into is arms, putting his lips on her forehead in a silent goodbye.

they werent officially together, still not boyfriend and girlfriend, but it wasnt a sevret that they both wanted the lable.

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