chapter 13

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i wrote this on my phone so im sorry for any mistakes.

you know the drill !

xoxo dimphy ♡


'what happened?' Julia's voice was high and panicky as she ran in the waitingroom. the boys were sat in a line of chairs, huddled together, defeat in there eyes, while niall just paced the room, his hands ruffling through his hair and tears in his eyes.

niall had tried to stay calm, and he had succeeded. that was, until the other boys had ran in, all shaking and anxious. the tears in their eyes had cracked his 'i dont care' attitude, and now he was shamelessly crying in front of them.

Julia dropped herself on a chair, next to louis who emmideatly pulled her in his embrace. 'she's gonna be ok, right?' julia whispered, her red eyes searching for Louis'. Louis just nodded, grabbing her hand and sqeeuzing it reassuringly. 'everything is gonna be fine..' he responded, leaving a soft kiss on her head.

the kiss made Julia momentarily forget where she was. she closed her eyes, sighing contently, but when she opened them, she was brought back to reality, watching the long hospital corridor. how long would it take before the doctors had something to tell them?

'NIALL, SIT DOWN' Harry yelled all of a sudden, his red and swollen eyes angrily watching the pacing irishman. niall harshly sucked a breath in between his teeth, trying to stay calm while he send an angry look to Harry. what did the boys want from him? he couldnt just sit down, he was far too anxious for that.

This seemed to be completely his fault. if he hadnt accidently let her hand slip from his grasp, then they wouldnt be in the hospital now. they would have been back at their hotel, happily together. the most beautiful girl in the world, his girl. they finally stopped fighting, heck they even told eachother 'i love you', and now the fans litterally wanted to break them ?

it had been a lucky strike, paul and liam being there had saved them. liam distracted the fans long enough for Paul and Niall to carry Amber out of there. if liam hadn't been there, niall probably wouldnt have been so nice to the fans.

all of a sudden he was getting angry with himself, with his lifestyle. if he hadnt been famous, this wouldnt have happened. it seemed nice to him: no screaming fans running after you, being able to walk around town normally, going on normal dates with your girlfriend.. without crazy Girls following you everywhere you went.

but on the other hand, he loved his job, he loved singing and performing, he loved being able to treat his friends and family, heck he even loved their crazy fans..

before his thoughts went further, he was abrubtly pulled back to reality by quick footsteps approaching them. one second he thought a fan had found them, but when his head shot up, he saw a doctor coming towards them. niall jumped up, running to the man and sliding to a halt before he begged the man for an explaination.

the doctor cleared his troath loudly. 'everything s gonna be fine. she only broke her arm and was out for a bit.'

Niall released a breath that he didnt even know he was holding. it could have been a lot worse. again, he silently thanked paul and liam for being there.

Julia jumped from her seat next to Louis, hugging niall. 'she's fine.' she breathed happily in his hair before releasing him and going to hug Louis. the doctor smiled at them, pointing to a door down the hall. 'one at a time please!!' he yelled after them, shaking his head when they all ran to get to Amber.

--- ambers pov

my arm was in a cast, and i had the worst headache ever. pff. i slowly turned around, trying not to put any weight on my painful arm. i sat up, looking around the dimly lit room. before i had time to grasp the situation, the door was thrown open, light from the hall pooring in together with 6 people.

Niall instantly sat next to me, tears staining his cheeks while he grabbed my not injured hand, softly sqeeuzing it. 'how are you feeling?' he asked me gently.

i grinned, as far as the killer headache let me. 'as if i'm run over by a hundred directioners' i heard the boys chuckle, but Nialls lip quivered, more tears spilling down. 'it's all my fault.. if i hadn't let your hand go, if i had been beside you, than nothing would have happened, than you would have been allright..' he said quickly between his sobs. i shook my head, pulling him in a hug. 'it isn't your fault niall' i sighed, putting a soft kiss on his dishevelled hair.

one by one, all the boys came and hugged me, telling me to get well. Louis found a marker somewhere, and all of a sudden they were all begging me to let them write on my arm. it didnt take long before my white cast had almost disappeared under all the messages and drawings.

after another checkup for my head, i was luckily released from the hospital to go home. the boys dropped me off, leaving me alone.

'muuuummm im hooooome.!!' i yelled, closing the door behind me. 'do you live here?' my little brother chuckled while poking his head around the corner. 'wow where did you get that cast? so awesome!!' he yelled, running towards me.

-- that evening during dinner.

i was scooting back and forth awkwardly on my chair, my broken arm uselessly lying in my lap. eating with only one hand was more diffucult than it seemed. 'hey amber, how long are one direction even staying here?' my brother said, breaking the awkward silence.

i suddenly felt nausious. i slid my plate of food away from me, sending him a killing look. 'im not hungry anymore.' i explained when my parents watched me confused.

'uhu but how long?' my brother asked as if nothing happened. he really didnt know when to stop, did he? 'about a week' i responded, suddenly becoming very interested in the tablecloth. i could feel tears gathering in my eyes.

'but youve got 2 weeks of school left, right?' my mom asked. i looked up, wondering why they all of a sudden wanted to know everything. 'yeah, and after that ive got 3 weeks of before ny exams start.' i sighed. my mom smiled happily. 'how much time do you need to study?' i raised my eyebrows, shrugging. 'i dont know.. like a week or something?'

my mom nodded, grinning, while my dad turned his attention to me. 'so youve got a 2 weeks holiday?' i nodded, not knowing where this was going.

they stayed silent, just grinning at me. to be honest, it scared me a bit. i shoved my chair backwards, standing up while cradling my broken arm with the other one. 'im going to my room' i stated, already walking to the stairs.


'i have to go niall, i'll see you tomorrow, ok?' i said, watching the clock on my wall. it was already half past 1 and i had been talking to niall on the phone since 10, right after his concert ended.

We didnt even talk about anything, there had been a lot of quiet times during this phonecall, with just our breathing breaking the silence. i didnt mind, because we both felt at ease, knowing the other was there, ready to listen to whatever you had to say.

niall broke the silence. 'goodnight babe.' i heard him shuffle around a bit before he added 'i love you' and i could just hear the smile in his voice. 'I love you too, bye' i said, smiling too while falling backwards on my bed.

my room seemed empty, boring and quiet. i had been happy with everything in my life for years, my friends, with Julia as bestie, my parents and my brother, work and school. that had been my entire life. but now, after meeting the boys, i was bored as soon as they left me. they were simply the best at turning your life upside down, making sure to keep you from being bored.

with that smile still on my face, i drifted of to sleep, thinking of niall.

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