chapter 8

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here it is, finally, chapter eight. sorry for the delay.

i'm just vey busy. working, driving lessons, my horses, and school is coming up too. ):

As always; vote, comment & tell me if you find any mistakes.

xoxo, Dimphy <3



the boring English class I was attending was interrupted by my telephone’s buzzing. It was a miracle, but nobody else noticed it, and I was able to slide it out of my pocket without being the centre of attention.

From: Niall the sexy leprechaun

Yeah.. I still hadn’t changed his name in my phone. It was cute.. and it seemed to be exactly what he was, a sexy Leprechaun. Some kind of mythical Irish thing. I didn’t even know what it was, but it sounded cool. 

Niall seemed to be the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I didn’t plan on losing him anytime soon. Now he had finally asked me to be his girlfriend, I was more afraid than ever for the moment they would get back to traveling.

‘Sleepover tonight? Movies, popcorn, and me? J xx’

I giggled quietly because of his message. Tomorrow, my classes wouldn’t start before 2 o’clock, and I only had one hour; boring English like right now. So, it wouldn’t be a problem to have a little sleepover. I started texting him back, hiding my phone under my desk.

‘Hmm, movies and popcorn sounds good to me. Xx’

It didn’t take him long to text me back again.

‘Yeah, but you forgot the most important thing; me. L xx’

I imagined him sitting on their couch, pouting at his phone, his big blue eyes fixated on the screen. The butterflies in my stomach began zigzagging furiously, and I giggled, trying to keep quiet. I texted him back, that he could be there to, if he had to.

The bell saved me from the most boring class ever. I grabbed my stuff, almost losing my grip on the ground when I ran out of the classroom, trying to get to Julia.

While I crossed the hallways, I heard some whispering behind me, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that they were talking about me.

I shrugged, heaving my backpack up again, walking towards the cafeteria. Now I was sure they were talking about me. I clearly heard the words ‘Niall’ and ‘One Direction’. Trying to ignore it, I walked past them.

all of a sudden, the hallway went silent, and the biggest bitch from our school, Kim, walked towards me.

‘Who do you think you are?’ she spat at me, her eyes no more than slits while she stretched her arm towards me, a perfectly manicured nail pointing at me. I shrugged, not planning on answering, and tried to get past her.

She shuffled to the side, following my movements so we stayed opposite each other. I could see the people in the hallway getting closer, forming a kind of circle around us, from which we couldn’t escape.

‘Kim, just get out of my way.’ I sighed, trying to get around her again. This time, she grabbed my wrist, making me face her. ‘No, YOU get out of MY way. Leave Niall alone!’ she said with such venom that she seemed to growl.

I raised an eyebrow. So this is what it’s all about? They, or at least, she, thought I shouldn’t be with Niall? I had expected to get this kind of hate, but not in this way. Yeah, stuff on my facebook, stuff on twitter, I could handle that. But this was my school, they should know better..

Reckless Love (Niall Horan Fanfiction) (english)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang