chapter 5

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Chapter 5 is here!

you know the drill; comment, vote & if you find any typos, please let me know.

xoxo, Dimphy <3



Julia and I were finally ready for our night with the boys. We decided to take them into town, just for a bit of chilling with something to drink, or we might go to the movie theatre.

Luckily, Julia and I had the same size in clothes, so right now we were both in my clothes. Julia wore her red all stars with a  tight, black jeans, with a black shirt tugged in, and a red blazer. I was walking around on my black vans, with a panty, and a high waisted black skirt, my green blouse tugged in, and a lighter green blazer over it. I own too much clothes..

as soon as we arrived at the hotel, Julia started jumping up and down, squeeling. ‘Julia.. they’re just normal boys..’ I huffed at her, while I knocked on their door. As soon as the door opened, and I saw Louis speeding towards us, I stepped aside.

Louis totally knocked the wind out of Julia, and both of them fell on the ground with a thud. ‘AMBER!’ he screamed, while they rolled on the ground. ‘huh..’ he then said, while he pulled himself of the ground. ‘YOU’RE NOT AMBER!’ he screamed, looking petrified.

I giggled, and stepped over the little children, walking through the door. Niall stood there, grinning at me, even though he had a look of regret on his face. ‘Hi babe..’ he whispered, holding his hands open for me. Oh good, he was sorry.

I smiled at him, giving him a hug back. Then I waved at the boys, who were sprawled out on the couches. Harry smiled back weakly, a slight blush on his face, he then stood up, walking out of the room quickly. What was up with him?

‘I’m hungryyyyyyyy.’ Niall whined, making Liam, Zayn and me laugh. ‘Niall, you’re always hungry..’ I responded, the boys nodding in agreement. ‘Let’s order some pizza!’ Louis yelled, running through the door. He was giving a piggyback ride to Julia, who was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down their face. Apparently, those two got on fine. Not that I had expected anything else; they’re both crazy.

In the end, all of us were watching tv, spread out on the couches with boxes of pizza on our knees. Liam was looking a bit mad, while Louis and Julia were giggling to each other. They had both thought there wasn’t enough sauce on their pizza, and when they tried to add some ketchup, they had sprayed it all over the hotel room, leaving the white walls covered in dripping red.

it seriously looked like someone was murdered in this room, and when liam had told them to clean it up, they had merely shrugged and ran off, jumping on the couches munching on their pizzas.

Niall and I were sitting next to eachother, his arm around my shoulder while his eyes were focused on the tv, watching some kind of stupid football game.  I couldn’t focus on it, so my eyes drifted off, looking through the room. I noticed Harry watching us from time to time, diverting his eyes whenever Niall or I would look at him. I seriously needed to talk to that boy.

after another messy fight, this time with cleaning spray and towels, we finally cleaned the room, and were ready to go to the town. It was only a little town, and at night, it was almost impossible to recognize the boys in the dark, so they decided against using their disguises.

We had decided to go to one of the nightclubs, just to drink something and dance a bit. But, after being in there for twenty minutes, we had already lost Julia and Louis, both with enough liquor to cause even more mayhem then they would normally. And the worst; they disappeared together, while Julia had muttered something about ‘wanting to find out if that guy's beard was real..

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