Chapter 20: The Dragon Slayer, and His Smith

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"I don't want to worry about you while I'm out there. I would be able to have ease if you hid behind a crystal instead. Don't take it personally..." I replied.

Her eyes widened, surprised of my concern. I smile as she nods, and I once again place my hand on her head as I walk past her.

"Thanks, now let's get this show on the road!" I say excitedly.

Lisbeth placed both her hands relative to the location I had my hand, paused for the longest moment. That was until a loud roar echoed through the snowy field.

"Get going!" I called out to Lisbeth. She nods and swiftly makes her way to cover. I turn my attention to the rough area the roar came from. I could feel the ground shaking under me as I saw the back of a mountain covered in crystals get destroyed. The dragon's arms extended outward behind the mountain, them stretching as the wings spread out as well. And with a single push, the dragon took flight, soaring above us. It was a grey blue-ish color, crystals on its back, like the ones that surround me. It descended down in front of me, staring me down. I stared as well as I slid my sword out of its sheath.

The snowflakes that slowly dropped from the sky were being sucked into the dragon's mouth as it breaths in, a faint blue glow from it slowly brightening.

"Look out! It's a breath attack Josh!" She calls out to me. But I simply grin as I feel my heart rate rise once again, like it would every other time I was about to do battle. I spin my blade around in my hand as I charge a sword skill. The dragon shoots the breath attack my way.

"Heh." I whisper as I slice through the attack, it deflecting all of its breath attack around me, a cloud of snow covering my view. So I cut through to see the dragon in the same location in the air. I made my way to it, hoping in the air to take a swing at the dragon as Lisbeth watched from the safety of a large crystal.

Woah...he blocked such an attack with that stick of a sword...I know he's a high leveled player, but still. She thought.

I was able to land some good blows on the dragon while avoiding some major ones from the dragon. As I landed from my last attack, it tried to slash me with its claws, but I jumped between the gap of its fingers toward it. My sword was glowing a light orange as I cut at the dragon's shoulder. I sliced through it, ripping its left arm clean off.

"Josh!" I heard from behind, quickly turning to see Lisbeth coming out of cover.

"Lis! What are you doing!?" I yelled out to her, beginning to fall back down to the ground. The dragon levitated her way, Lisbeth realizing the error she had made. With a great push of its wings, a huge gust of wind pushed snow into Lisbeth's path. I couldn't see her as the snow blocked her from view.

"LISBETH!!" I screamed, landing on a crystal, immediately jumping her direction. As I flew through the air, I see her again. And holy mother of god! She was carried over a huge hole. What is something like that even doing there!? I heard her scream as she began falling.

I didn't think. I jumped in after her.

"You're kidding me!! NO!!!" I heard her yell as I descended the fastest I could. She was flailing around like mad. I tuck my arms and legs in like a skydiver would. I finally reached out and was able to grab her wrist.

"Lis! Hold on!!" I demanded, her turning in the air to look at me. She immediately held onto me, and I to her. I maneuvered us so I'd be the one landing on whatever was at the bottom of this huge hole.

This was gonna hurt like a bitch. And it did as I landed onto the floor, my head jerking back as everything quickly went black.

Around an hour later, I opened my eyes as I came back. I saw the hole's entrance. It may have been large, but from all the way down where we were, it seemed only like a quarters size. I felt a weight on my lower body. I looked down and saw Lisbeth, safe and sound, and out as her head laid on my stomach. Looks like I'll have to wait for her to wake up. Wonderful...not a bad thing, just means I can't get up and look for a way out.

Fake World. Real Experiences.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora