Chapter Three: Tick-Tock

Start from the beginning

She couldn't even say anything to him honestly or it's okay to tell him that he has the same sickness as her mother. It surprised her when Kousei did not even ask why he's in the hospital. She took off the breathing mask and stared at him with worried eyes but Kousei was still able to smile.

"I fainted, didn't I? If I'm in the hospital, Seto-san, could you check what had happened to Kaori? She's in the surgery yesterday!" Kousei spoke up in between breaths. "I should had been here awake if I didn't faint!"

His chest felt like she swallowed so much thorns while saying those words which made him wince badly.

"She survived her surgery. There's nothing to worry about. Kousei, please stop worrying for someone else! Why don't you begin worrying for yourself even for a bit?" Seto. Hiroko exclaimed. "Do you want to meet her?"

Kousei gazed away. He was just so happy to know that Kaori survived her surgery. "I thought she'll leave me. I really thought I'll lose her, Hiroko-san. Yes. I want to see her again."

A few seconds later, he finally became curious about why he's actually confined in the hospital. "Why am I here? What's wrong with me? Seto Hiroko- san, answer me!"

"Your heart's frail. That's what the doctor said. You have a congenital heart disease. It's a birth defect. It was corrected long ago but as that's so long ago already, your heart wasn't able to carry the stress and pain you were having that the old sutures on your heart began peeling off."

Kousei was shocked by what he heard. "That's a lie, right? How? Why? How can I have a heart disease?"

"I'm sorry but it is true," she replied to him.

Kousei stared at his own trembling hands. "Do my friends know my situation?"

"We told them. I think it's much better that they know," she answered him.

"What about father? Does he know?" he asked her. "I want to see my dad."

"He left after he saw you transferred here in this room but he'll come back. I promise that to you. Most of all, you may have a Congenital Heart Disease but the doctor says that your condition doesn't need a surgery yet," Hiroko told him. "Don't worry too much, understood?"

Kousei laid back down in his hospital bed to rest and covered himself up with his blanket to go back to sleep since he's still suffering from cold and chest pain.


Kaori was happily walking down the hospital after waking up from recovering from her surgery since she missed walking so much when she suddenly heard a commotion coming from her left side.

The doctors were all shouting 'Emergency! Emergency!'

She wasn't actually interested to go there when suddenly, she heard the name, 'Arima Kousei'.

She ran immediately there and searched around to check if she had heard clearly. She sighed in relief when she knew that it was actually a different person and she just heard someone speak his name in that direction but, her heart still pounded dangerously when she heard two familiar pianists talking about Kousei.

"Are you sure that Arima Kousei would want to see us?" Emi asked Aiza Takeshi while they were sitting on the white chairs near the pediatric clinic in the hospital.

Aiza sighed. "It's still a good thing that he's just confined for a check-up, right?"

"Kousei would need visitors, of course. Come on, let's go, Aiza," Emi stood up from her seat and walked. Aiza followed her.

Kaori followed them but then, she was surprised when she witnessed that Aiza and Emi were stopped by Seto Hiroko in front of Kousei's hospital room to get inside. "He doesn't want to see anyone yet. His two best friends also came by today but he just quickly made them leave. I don't know what's going on with him, right now."

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