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I was tagged by Kimmy_Otaku

(this is the first time im being tagged so just bear with me (seriously tho....I legit fell off of the bed XDD) 1. Cause its my first time 2. CAUSE I DONT KNOW A LOT OF PEOPLE!!!)

Q1: Why do you like to breathe?
A1: So I can live and read wattpad XD

Q2: Do you consider yourself as an inantimated object?
A2: No

Q3: Do you sniff dryer sheets?
A3: I never had so....no

Q4: What type of toilet paper do you use?
A4: Soft ones

Q5: What is the password to the firewall of the pentagon?
Q5: (idk XD)

Q6: Can I lick your elbow?
Q6: How about.................no

Q7: Do you work for FBI?
Q7: No I do not

Q8: Do you think I spit fire?
A8: Are you related to Natsu Dragneel?? If not no.

Q9:My mixtape is the reason why Detroit went up in flames.
A9: X'D

Q10: Would you do tea pitchers or cantaloupe peeling?
Q10: Cantaloupe Peeling (tbh I dont like cantaloupe)

Q11: He who hesitates disentigrates.
Q11: thats a nice mini speech/quote.

Well then I tag:

(Sorry kind innocent people!!!)

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