"Wait wait," Johnson spoke. "Maybe he thinks he's hot shit so he's getting ice cream...to cool off."

"Nice one," Gilinsky goofily laughed.

"You guys are so..." Sammy trailed off, shaking his head. He turned his attention back to Harrison and Andrea.

"That'll be $4.25," she told Harrison. 

He gave her a $5 and added an extra dollar in the tip jar. "So I guess I'll be seeing you. I've been staying down the street."

"I'll be here," she smiled.

Harrison moved backwards, not wanting to turn around. He bumps into another customer and Andrea found it all so cute once he apologized. He waved at her once again before leaving.

"I'll catch you guys later," Sammy told the 3, then he went back behind the counter.

"Back already," Andrea asked. "Hasn't been 15 minutes."

"Sure about that, googly eyes?"

Andrea raised an eyebrow. "And that means..."

"I saw you and Harry Styles just now."

"Harrison," she corrected him.

"Who cares? He was a tool, using his accent to charm American girls? They all do the same shit."

"He was far from a tool and why does it matter to you what he does with his accent? Anyway...I have a customer. You better go finish your break before I make you put that apron back on early."

Sammy rolled his eyes and glanced back over at his friends. They gave him sarcastic reactions to his mini jealous outburst; Gilinsky gave a thumbs up, Vanessa silently applauded, and Johnson held up an "Okay" sign.

. . .

Nate heads downstairs once his doorbell rings, putting a t-shirt on. He opens the door to find John looking troubled.

"You busy?"John asked.

"Nah, I was just about to smoke."

"You alone?"

"I am now," Nate smiled to himself. "Lucy left like 30 minutes ago, she spent the night."

"...Wait what?" John walked in & Nate closed the door.

"Yup. We went to Cascadia last night, had some drinks. I came clean to her about some things and she forgave me."

"You hit?"

"Nah, that was my punishment, as she put it."

John followed Nate upstairs to his room where they went straight to his balcony & lit up.

"So are you two back together now?" John took a puff.

"Not really. I mean, we didn't talk about that. At least I know it wasn't just the liquor talkin', we were makin' out before she left so, I mean... But anyway, what's good with you?"

John sighed and shook his head, passing the blunt back to Nate. "Nadia's pregnant."

Nate was shocked. "Goody two shoes Nadia?"

"Come on man, you know she ain't no goody two shoes, she's just...I don't know, organized & goal oriented."

"That's some big shit, what are ya'll doin' about that?"

"She's gonna go through with it. She just doesn't know about...after. Like if she's gonna keep the baby or give it up for adoption."

"Both ways are gonna be hard, man." Nate coughed after a big hit.

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