Opal (*gasp*!)

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Everyone was at Stevns funeral, even though he waz now Sans. Everyone waz sed. Connie was especially sad, since she never got the chance to bone Seven, even though he waz now Sans. Porl was still trying to harvest Rose's gem, so she could use it as a will to live. Just then, Garnet said "Pearl, in the name of all that is gay, I want you to fuse with me." "Into Sardonyx?!?!?!?!?" Porl said. She seemed very happy that Garnet wanted to fuse with her. They fused and formed Metta-I MEAN SARDONYX. Sorry, I meant SARDONYX. She did some pretty fabulous stuff, and soon everyone fused into a gem. Pearl and Amethyst never got the chance to fuse though, because according to all known laws of aviation, Opal is not allowed to make an appearance until 78 episodes pass by. Even then, she isn't allowed to speak more than three lines of dialouge. Peridot was being thrown around by Lapis Fantaman and Amethyst. They both wanted her, and Peridot finally had enough. "GUYS I AM NOT INTO EITHER OF U!!" Both Edgelord and Amecence gaspered! Porl walked by and said "IT'S THE NUTSHACK!" Then she fused with Rose's dead gem. Peridot spoke again, "I'm not acually dorito gremlin!" "Who r u den?" Indigothyst asked. Just then, Peridot morphed into a tall man with blond hair, who was holding a bunch of knives. "IT WAS ME, DIO!" Everyone ded, except
Da End

BEST STEVEN UNIVERSE FANFICTION EVErNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ